Csygaldry::_element_type< T > | |
Csygaldry::_element_type< T > | |
Csygaldry::_search_by_tags< RequestedNodes > | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitFieldState<"BYPASS_DLPF", ACCEL_FCHOICE, 0b0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::ACCEL_CONFIG::ACCEL_FCHOICE::BYPASS_DLPF | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitFieldState<"ENABLE_DLPF", ACCEL_FCHOICE, 0b1 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::ACCEL_CONFIG::ACCEL_FCHOICE::ENABLE_DLPF | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::AK09916Register< name, addr_, reset_ > | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::AK09916Register<"CNTL2", 0x31, 0 > | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::CNTL2 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitField<"MODE", CNTL2, 0b00011111 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::CNTL2::MODE | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::AK09916Register<"CNTL3", 0x32, 0 > | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::CNTL3 | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitField< name, CNTL3, mask > | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::AK09916Register<"Company ID", 0x00, 0x48 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::WIA1 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::AK09916Register<"Device ID", 0x01, 0x09 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::WIA2 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::AK09916Register<"HXH", 0x12, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::HXH | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::AK09916Register<"HXL", 0x11, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::HXL | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::AK09916Register<"HYH", 0x14, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::HYH | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::AK09916Register<"HYL", 0x13, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::HYL | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::AK09916Register<"HZH", 0x16, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::HZH | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::AK09916Register<"HZL", 0x15, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::HZL | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::AK09916Register<"Status 1", 0x10, 0 > | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::ST1 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitField<"DOR", ST1, 0b10 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::ST1::DOR | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitField<"DRDY", ST1, 0b01 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::ST1::DRDY | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::AK09916Register<"Status 2", 0x18, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::ST2 | |
Csygaldry::node::assembly | |
Csygaldry::author_< str > | Document the author of an entity, e.g. a component or binding |
►Csygaldry::author_<"Albert Niyonsenga"> | |
Csygaldry::sygsa::MAX17055 | |
►Csygaldry::author_<"Edu Meneses (2022) and Travis J. West (2023)"> | |
Csygaldry::sygbe::WiFi | |
►Csygaldry::author_<"Travis J. West"> | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::CustomCli< sygaldry::sygbe::ESP32Instrument::Instrument::Components > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::CustomCli< sygaldry::sygbr::PicoSDKInstrument::Instrument::Components > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::LibloOsc< InnerInstrument > | |
Csygaldry::sygsa::TwoWire< 0, 1, 400000 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsa::TwoWire< syghe::I2C_MAIN_SDA, syghe::I2C_MAIN_SCL, 400000 > | |
Csygaldry::sygse::Button< GPIO_NUM_15 > | |
Csygaldry::sygse::Button< GPIO_NUM_21 > | |
Csygaldry::sygse::OneshotAdc< syghe::ADC1_CHANNEL_5 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ComplementaryMimuFusion< decltype(mimu)> | |
Csygaldry::sygsr::Button< 26 > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::CustomCli< Reader, Logger, Components, Commands > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::LibloOsc< Components > | |
Csygaldry::sygsa::TwoWire< sda_pin, scl_pin, frequency > | |
Csygaldry::sygse::Button< pin_number, active_level > | |
Csygaldry::sygse::GPIO< pin_number > | |
Csygaldry::sygse::OneshotAdc< gpio_num > | Driver component for the analog-digital converter |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ComplementaryMimuFusion< Mimu > | MIMU sensor fusion and runtime calibration component |
Csygaldry::sygsr::Button< pin_number, active_level > | Raspberry Pi Pico SDK Button Component |
Csygaldry::sygsr::OneshotAdc< input_number > | Oneshot analog-digital converter |
Csygaldry::sygup::DebugPrinter< Logger, message > | |
Csygaldry::sygup::BasicLogger< putter > | |
►CBitField<"ACCEL_DLPFCFG", ACCEL_CONFIG,(0b111<< 3)> | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::ACCEL_CONFIG::ACCEL_DLPFCFG | |
►CBitField<"ACCEL_FS_SEL", ACCEL_CONFIG,(0b11<< 1)> | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::ACCEL_CONFIG::ACCEL_FS_SEL | |
►CBitField<"GYRO_DLPFCFG", GYRO_CONFIG_1,(0b111<< 3)> | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::GYRO_CONFIG_1::GYRO_DLPFCFG | |
►CBitField<"GYRO_FS_SEL", GYRO_CONFIG_1,(0b11<< 1)> | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::GYRO_CONFIG_1::GYRO_FS_SEL | |
►CBitFieldState<"G_16", ACCEL_FS_SEL, 0b11< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::ACCEL_CONFIG::ACCEL_FS_SEL::G_16 | |
►CBitFieldState<"G_2", ACCEL_FS_SEL, 0b00< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::ACCEL_CONFIG::ACCEL_FS_SEL::G_2 | |
►CBitFieldState<"G_4", ACCEL_FS_SEL, 0b01< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::ACCEL_CONFIG::ACCEL_FS_SEL::G_4 | |
►CBitFieldState<"G_8", ACCEL_FS_SEL, 0b10< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::ACCEL_CONFIG::ACCEL_FS_SEL::G_8 | |
►CBitFieldState<"LPF_111_4Hz", ACCEL_DLPFCFG, 0b010< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::ACCEL_CONFIG::ACCEL_DLPFCFG::LPF_111_4Hz | |
►CBitFieldState<"LPF_119_5Hz", GYRO_DLPFCFG, 0b010< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::GYRO_CONFIG_1::GYRO_DLPFCFG::LPF_119_5Hz | |
►CBitFieldState<"LPF_11_5Hz", ACCEL_DLPFCFG, 0b101< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::ACCEL_CONFIG::ACCEL_DLPFCFG::LPF_11_5Hz | |
►CBitFieldState<"LPF_11_6Hz", GYRO_DLPFCFG, 0b101< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::GYRO_CONFIG_1::GYRO_DLPFCFG::LPF_11_6Hz | |
►CBitFieldState<"LPF_151_8Hz", GYRO_DLPFCFG, 0b001< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::GYRO_CONFIG_1::GYRO_DLPFCFG::LPF_151_8Hz | |
►CBitFieldState<"LPF_196_6Hz", GYRO_DLPFCFG, 0b000< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::GYRO_CONFIG_1::GYRO_DLPFCFG::LPF_196_6Hz | |
►CBitFieldState<"LPF_23_9Hz", ACCEL_DLPFCFG, 0b100< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::ACCEL_CONFIG::ACCEL_DLPFCFG::LPF_23_9Hz | |
►CBitFieldState<"LPF_23_9Hz", GYRO_DLPFCFG, 0b100< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::GYRO_CONFIG_1::GYRO_DLPFCFG::LPF_23_9Hz | |
►CBitFieldState<"LPF_246_0Hz", ACCEL_DLPFCFG, 0b000< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::ACCEL_CONFIG::ACCEL_DLPFCFG::LPF_246_0Hz | |
►CBitFieldState<"LPF_361_4Hz", GYRO_DLPFCFG, 0b111< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::GYRO_CONFIG_1::GYRO_DLPFCFG::LPF_361_4Hz | |
►CBitFieldState<"LPF_473Hz", ACCEL_DLPFCFG, 0b111< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::ACCEL_CONFIG::ACCEL_DLPFCFG::LPF_473Hz | |
►CBitFieldState<"LPF_50_4Hz", ACCEL_DLPFCFG, 0b011< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::ACCEL_CONFIG::ACCEL_DLPFCFG::LPF_50_4Hz | |
►CBitFieldState<"LPF_51_2Hz", GYRO_DLPFCFG, 0b011< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::GYRO_CONFIG_1::GYRO_DLPFCFG::LPF_51_2Hz | |
►CBitFieldState<"LPF_5_7Hz", ACCEL_DLPFCFG, 0b110< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::ACCEL_CONFIG::ACCEL_DLPFCFG::LPF_5_7Hz | |
►CBitFieldState<"LPF_5_7Hz", GYRO_DLPFCFG, 0b110< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::GYRO_CONFIG_1::GYRO_DLPFCFG::LPF_5_7Hz | |
►CBitSwitch<"ACCEL_CYCLE", LP_CONFIG, 1< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::LP_CONFIG::ACCEL_CYCLE | |
►CBitSwitch<"ACTL_FSYNC", INT_PIN_CFG, 1< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::INT_PIN_CFG::ACTL_FSYNC | |
►CBitSwitch<"BYPASS_EN", INT_PIN_CFG, 1< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::INT_PIN_CFG::BYPASS_EN | |
►CBitSwitch<"DISABLE_ACCEL", PWR_MGMT_2, 0b111< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::PWR_MGMT_2::DISABLE_ACCEL | |
►CBitSwitch<"DISABLE_GYRO", PWR_MGMT_2, 0b111< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::PWR_MGMT_2::DISABLE_GYRO | |
►CBitSwitch<"DMP_EN", USER_CTRL, 1< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::USER_CTRL::DMP_EN | |
►CBitSwitch<"FIFO_EN", USER_CTRL, 1< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::USER_CTRL::FIFO_EN | |
►CBitSwitch<"FSYNC_INT_MODE_EN", INT_PIN_CFG, 1< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::INT_PIN_CFG::FSYNC_INT_MODE_EN | |
►CBitSwitch<"GYRO_CYCLE", LP_CONFIG, 1< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::LP_CONFIG::GYRO_CYCLE | |
►CBitSwitch<"I2C_MST_CYCLE", LP_CONFIG, 1< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::LP_CONFIG::I2C_MST_CYCLE | |
►CBitSwitch<"I2C_MST_EN", USER_CTRL, 1< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::USER_CTRL::I2C_MST_EN | |
►CBitSwitch<"I2C_SLV4_INT_EN", I2C_SLV4_CTRL, 1< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::I2C_SLV4_CTRL::I2C_SLV4_INT_EN | |
►CBitSwitch<"I2C_SLV4_REG_DIS", I2C_SLV4_CTRL, 1< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::I2C_SLV4_CTRL::I2C_SLV4_REG_DIS | |
►CBitSwitch<"INT1_ACTL", INT_PIN_CFG, 1< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::INT_PIN_CFG::INT1_ACTL | |
►CBitSwitch<"INT1_Latch__EN", INT_PIN_CFG, 1< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::INT_PIN_CFG::INT1_Latch__EN | |
►CBitSwitch<"INT1_OPEN", INT_PIN_CFG, 1< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::INT_PIN_CFG::INT1_OPEN | |
►CBitSwitch<"INT_ANYRD_2CLEAR", INT_PIN_CFG, 1< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::INT_PIN_CFG::INT_ANYRD_2CLEAR | |
►CBitSwitch<"LP_EN", PWR_MGMT_1, 1< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::PWR_MGMT_1::LP_EN | |
►CBitSwitch<"SLEEP", PWR_MGMT_1, 1< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::PWR_MGMT_1::SLEEP | |
►CBitSwitch<"TEMP_DIS", PWR_MGMT_1, 1< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::PWR_MGMT_1::TEMP_DIS | |
►CBitTrigger<"DEVICE_RESET", PWR_MGMT_1, 1< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::PWR_MGMT_1::DEVICE_RESET | |
►CBitTrigger<"DMP_RST", USER_CTRL, 1< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::USER_CTRL::DMP_RST | |
►CBitTrigger<"I2C_IF_DIS", USER_CTRL, 1< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::USER_CTRL::I2C_IF_DIS | |
►CBitTrigger<"I2C_MST_RST", USER_CTRL, 1< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::USER_CTRL::I2C_MST_RST | |
►CBitTrigger<"I2C_SLV4_EN", I2C_SLV4_CTRL, 1< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::I2C_SLV4_CTRL::I2C_SLV4_EN | |
►CBitTrigger<"SRAM_RST", USER_CTRL, 1< | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::USER_CTRL::SRAM_RST | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ButtonGestureModel | Component modelling gestures performed with a single bi-state push button |
Csygaldry::sygse::Button< GPIO_NUM_15 > | |
Csygaldry::sygse::Button< GPIO_NUM_21 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsr::Button< 26 > | |
Csygaldry::sygse::Button< pin_number, active_level > | |
Csygaldry::sygsr::Button< pin_number, active_level > | Raspberry Pi Pico SDK Button Component |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitFieldState<"AutoSelect", CLKSEL, 1 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::PWR_MGMT_1::CLKSEL::AutoSelect | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitFieldState<"InternalOscillator", CLKSEL, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::PWR_MGMT_1::CLKSEL::InternalOscillator | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitFieldState<"Stop", CLKSEL, 7 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::PWR_MGMT_1::CLKSEL::Stop | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ComplementaryMimuFusionInputs | Inputs for the MIMU sensor fusion component |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ComplementaryMimuFusionOutputs | Outputs of the MIMU sensor fusion component |
Csygaldry::node::component | |
Csygaldry::component_runtime< Component, ComponentContainer > | |
Csygaldry::sygbe::ESP32Instrument< InnerInstrument >::Instrument::Components | |
Csygaldry::sygbr::PicoSDKInstrument< InnerInstrument >::Instrument::Components | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::compose< mappings > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::compose< mapping > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::compose< mapping, mappings... > | |
Csygaldry::copyright_< str > | Document the copyright statement of an entity, e.g. a component or binding |
►Csygaldry::copyright_<"Copyright 2023 Sygaldry Contributors"> | |
Csygaldry::sygse::OneshotAdc< syghe::ADC1_CHANNEL_5 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ComplementaryMimuFusion< decltype(mimu)> | |
Csygaldry::sygsr::Button< 26 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsa::MAX17055 | |
Csygaldry::sygse::OneshotAdc< gpio_num > | Driver component for the analog-digital converter |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ComplementaryMimuFusion< Mimu > | MIMU sensor fusion and runtime calibration component |
Csygaldry::sygsr::Button< pin_number, active_level > | Raspberry Pi Pico SDK Button Component |
Csygaldry::sygsr::OneshotAdc< input_number > | Oneshot analog-digital converter |
Csygaldry::sygup::DebugPrinter< Logger, message > | |
►Csygaldry::copyright_<"Copyright 2023 Sygaldry contributors"> | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::CustomCli< sygaldry::sygbe::ESP32Instrument::Instrument::Components > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::CustomCli< sygaldry::sygbr::PicoSDKInstrument::Instrument::Components > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::CustomCli< Reader, Logger, Components, Commands > | |
►Csygaldry::copyright_<"Copyright 2023 Travis J. West"> | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::LibloOsc< InnerInstrument > | |
Csygaldry::sygsa::TwoWire< 0, 1, 400000 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsa::TwoWire< syghe::I2C_MAIN_SDA, syghe::I2C_MAIN_SCL, 400000 > | |
Csygaldry::sygbe::WiFi | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::LibloOsc< Components > | |
Csygaldry::sygsa::TwoWire< sda_pin, scl_pin, frequency > | |
►Csygaldry::copyright_<"Travis J. West (C) 2023"> | |
Csygaldry::sygse::Button< GPIO_NUM_15 > | |
Csygaldry::sygse::Button< GPIO_NUM_21 > | |
Csygaldry::sygse::Button< pin_number, active_level > | |
Csygaldry::sygse::GPIO< pin_number > | |
Csygaldry::sygup::CstdioPutter | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::CstdioReader | Command line input reader using standard IO calls |
Csygaldry::date_< str > | Document a textual description of the date when an entity was released, e.g. a component or binding |
Csygaldry::sygbp::DefaultCommands | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::Describe | |
►Csygaldry::description_< str > | Document a textual description of an entity, e.g. an endpoint, component or binding |
Csygaldry::text_message<"error message"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"server running"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"output running"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"running"> | |
Csygaldry::array< name_str, N, desc, T, min, max, init, Tags > | A multi-dimensional numeric endpoint with user customizeable range and persistent value semantics |
►Csygaldry::array_message< name_str, N, desc, T, min, max, init, Tags > | A multi-dimensional numeric endpoint with user customizeable range and occasional message semantics |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"sensor acceleration", float, -16.0f *mss_per_g, 16.0f *mss_per_g, "m/s/s", "estimated acceleration due to motion expressed in the sensor frame of reference" > | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"global acceleration", float, -16.0f *mss_per_g, 16.0f *mss_per_g, "m/s/s", "estimated acceleration due to motion expressed in the performance frame of reference" > | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"previous accelerometer", float, -16.0f, 16.0f, "g", "previous measurement of acceleration; used in the estimation of jerk" > | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"jerk", float, -32.0f, 32.0f, "g/s", "approximate signal analogous to the derivative of acceleration in the sensor frame" > | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"gyroscope bias", float, -2000.0f *rad_per_deg, 2000.0f *rad_per_deg, "rad/s", "estimated gyroscope sensor bias" > | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"magnetometer maximum", float, -4900.0f, 4900.0f, "uT", "component-wise maximum of magnetometer values measured while calibrating bias compensation" > | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"magnetometer minimum", float, -4900.0f, 4900.0f, "uT", "component-wise minimum of magnetometer values measured while calibrating bias compensation" > | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"magnetometer bias", float, -4900.0f, 4900.0f, "uT", "estimated magnetometer sensor bias" > | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"angular rate", float, -2000.0f *rad_per_deg, 2000.0f *rad_per_deg, "rad/s", "estimated angular rate based on fused sensor measurements" > | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message< "integral feedback", float, -20.0f, 20.0f, "integral feedback through the complementary filter" > | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"accelerometer raw", int, -32768, 32767, "LSB"> | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"accelerometer", float, -16, 16, "g"> | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"gyroscope raw", int, -32768, 32767, "LSB"> | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"gyroscope", float, -2000.0f *rad_per_deg, 2000.0f *rad_per_deg, "rad/s"> | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"magnetometer raw", int, -32768, 32767, "LSB"> | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"magnetometer", float, -4900, 4900, "uT"> | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message< name, T, min, max, unit, desc, Tags > | A MIMU data vector |
Csygaldry::button< name_str, desc, init, Tags > | A two-state integer endpoint with occasional message semantics |
Csygaldry::slider< name_str, desc, T, min, max, init, Tags > | A numeric endpoint with user customizeable range and persistent value semantics |
Csygaldry::slider_message< name_str, desc, T, min, max, init, Tags > | A numeric endpoint with user customizeable range and occasional value semantics |
Csygaldry::text< name_str, desc, Tags > | A text string endpoint with persistent value semantics |
Csygaldry::text_message< name_str, desc, Tags > | A text string endpoint with occasional message semantics |
Csygaldry::toggle< name_str, desc, init, Tags > | A two-state integer endpoint with persistent value semantics |
Csygaldry::description_< "" > | |
►Csygaldry::description_< desc > | |
Csygaldry::array_message< name, 3, "", float, -1.0f, 1.0f, float {}, Tags... > | |
Csygaldry::array_message<"sensor to global quaternion", 4, "quaternion representation of the orientation of the sensor in the global frame", float, -1.0f, 1.0f > | |
Csygaldry::array_message<"global to sensor quaternion", 4, "quaternion representation of the orientation of the global bases in the sensor frame", float, -1.0f, 1.0f > | |
Csygaldry::array_message<"sensor to global matrix", 9, "special orthogonal matrix of the sensor basis vectors expressed in the global frame", float, -1.0f, 1.0f > | |
Csygaldry::array_message<"global to sensor matrix", 9, "special orthogonal matrix of the global basis vectors expressed in the sensor frame", float, -1.0f, 1.0f > | |
Csygaldry::array_message< name, 3, desc, float, min, max, float {}, Tags... > | |
Csygaldry::array_message< name, 3, "", float, min, max, float {}, Tags... > | |
Csygaldry::array_message< name, 3, "", int, min, max, int {}, Tags... > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"raw full capacity", "full capacity of the battery", int, 0, 65535, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"raw full capacity nominal", "full capacity of the battery (no voltage/temperature compensation)", int, 0, 65535, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"raw charge cycles", "LSB", int, 0, 65535, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"rcomp", "voltage compensation parameter", int, 0, 65535, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"tempco", "temperature compensation parameter", int, 0, 65535, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"instantaneous current", "mA", float > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"average current", "mA", float > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"instantaneous voltage", "V", float, 0.0f, 5.11992f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"average voltage", "V", float, 0.0f, 5.11992f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"capacity", "current capacity (mAh)", int > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"full capacity", "full capacity of the battery (mAh)", int > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"state of charge", "%", float, 0.0f, 255.9961f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"battery age", "full battery capacity divided by design capacity (%)", float, 0.0f, 255.9961f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"time to full", "h", float, 0.0f, 102.3984f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"time to empty", "h", float, 0.0f, 102.3984f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"charge cycles", "number of charge cycles", float, 0.0f, 655.35f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"raw", "raw binary representation of the analog voltage measured by the ADC", int, 0, 4096, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"proportional feedback", "proportional feedback gain coefficient", float, 0.0f, 10.0f, 3.0f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"integral feedback", "integral feedback gain coefficient", float, 0.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"accelerometer influence", "accelerometer gain coefficient; reflects confidence in the accelerometer data", float, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"magnetometer influence", "magnetometer gain coefficient; reflects confidence in the magnetometer data", float, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"movement threshold", "threshold of jerk magnitude below which the device is considered as stationary", float, 0.0f, 32.0f, 0.0001f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"gyroscope bias smoothing", "IIR filter coefficient for gyro bias smoothing filter; higher value results in more smoothing/lower cutoff", float, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.99f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"norm of gravity", "estimated strength of gravity relative to one standard gravity (9.80665 m/s/s)", float, 0.995f, 1.002f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"accelerometer sensitivity", "g/LSB", float, 1/16384.0f, 1/2048.0f, 1/4096.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"gyroscope sensitivity", "(rad/s)/LSB", float, 1/131.0f *rad_per_deg, 1/16.4f *rad_per_deg, 1/16.4f *rad_per_deg > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"magnetometer sensitivity", "uT/LSB", float, 0.15f, 0.15f > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"capacity", "Design capacity of the battery (mAh)", int, 0, 32000, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"poll rate", "Fuel gauge poll rate (ms)", int, 10000, 300000, 60000, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"end-of-charge current", "End of charge current (mA)", int, 0, 300, 50, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"Empty Voltage", "Empty voltage of the battery (V)", float, 0.0f, 4.2f, 3.0f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"Recovery voltage", "Recovery voltage of the battery (V)", float, 0.0f, 4.2f, 3.8f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"elapsed", "time in microseconds elapsed since last measurement", unsigned long, 0, 1000000, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::text< "hostname", "Name of this device on the network." "Must be less than 31 bytes long." "Requires reboot to take effect.", sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::text< "access point SSID", "Name of the device-hosted network." "Must be less than 31 bytes long." "Requires reboot to take effect.", sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::text< "access point password", "Password of the device-hosted network." "Must be greater than 8 and less than 63 bytes long." "Requires reboot to take effect.", sygaldry::tag_session_data, sygaldry::tag_write_only > | |
Csygaldry::text< "sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi SSID", "Name of the sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi network to connect to." "Must be less than 31 bytes long." "Requires reboot to take effect.", sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::text< "sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi password", "Password of the sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi network to connect to." "Must be greater than 8 and less than 63 bytes long." "Requires reboot to take effect.", sygaldry::tag_session_data, sygaldry::tag_write_only > | |
Csygaldry::text<"sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi MAC", "MAC address of the device as a sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi station on the main network"> | |
Csygaldry::text<"AP MAC", "MAC address of the device as a sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi access point on the device-hosted network"> | |
Csygaldry::text<"IP address", "IP address of the device as a sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi station on the main network." "Use this address to send network messages to the device when sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi is connected."> | |
Csygaldry::text_message< "source port", "The UDP port on which to receive incoming messages.", sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::text_message< "destination port", "The UDP port on which to send outgoing messages.", sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::text_message< "destination address", "The IP address to send outgoing messages to.", sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::text_message<"error message", "Error message from fuel gauge"> | |
Csygaldry::text_message<"status message", "Status message from fuel gauge"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle< "enable access point", "Indicate whether to persistently enable the device-hosted network." "When this sygaldry::toggle is disabled, the access point is only enabled if" "the device fails to connect to sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi in station mode.", 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi connected", "Indicates when sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi is successfully connected"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"AP running", "Indicates when the device-hosted network is running"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"present", "Shows if battery is present"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"running", "Indicitor for if the fuel gauge is running"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"sygaldry::button state", "1 indicates sygaldry::button active, 0 inactive"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"debounced state", "updates only when the sygaldry::button state has changed since the last tick"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"calibrate magnetometer", "enable tracking magnetometer data to estimate and remove sensor bias; " "the previous bias estimate is reset when compensation is enabled" > | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"stationary", "boolean indication of whether the sensor is stationary (1) or movement is detected (0)" > | |
►Csygaldry::description_<""> | |
Csygaldry::bng<"any edge", "bangs on any change to debounced state"> | |
Csygaldry::bng<"rising edge", "bangs when the sygaldry::button is activated"> | |
Csygaldry::bng<"falling edge", "bangs when the sygaldry::button is deactivated"> | |
Csygaldry::bng<"initialize", "trigger sensor re-initialization"> | |
Csygaldry::bng< name_str, desc, Tags > | A semantically value-less endpoint that signals an event |
►Csygaldry::description_<"A single button attached to a GPIO"> | |
Csygaldry::sygse::Button< GPIO_NUM_15 > | |
Csygaldry::sygse::Button< GPIO_NUM_21 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsr::Button< 26 > | |
Csygaldry::sygse::Button< pin_number, active_level > | |
Csygaldry::sygsr::Button< pin_number, active_level > | Raspberry Pi Pico SDK Button Component |
►Csygaldry::description_<"An ESP-IDF GPIO API wrapper as a message-based `sygaldry` component"> | |
Csygaldry::sygse::GPIO< pin_number > | |
►Csygaldry::description_<"An ESP-IDF WiFi API wrapper originally adapted from the Puara Module Manager"> | |
Csygaldry::sygbe::WiFi | |
►Csygaldry::description_<"Generate a simple command line interface for inspecting and sending data to the bound components."> | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::CustomCli< sygaldry::sygbe::ESP32Instrument::Instrument::Components > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::CustomCli< sygaldry::sygbr::PicoSDKInstrument::Instrument::Components > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::CustomCli< Reader, Logger, Components, Commands > | |
►Csygaldry::description_<"Oneshot analog-digital converter"> | |
Csygaldry::sygsr::OneshotAdc< input_number > | Oneshot analog-digital converter |
►Csygaldry::description_<"Open Sound Control bindings using the liblo library"> | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::LibloOsc< InnerInstrument > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::LibloOsc< Components > | |
►Csygaldry::description_<"prints the runtime stage it is currently running"> | |
Csygaldry::sygup::DebugPrinter< Logger, message > | |
►Csygaldry::description_<"Runtime calibration and sensor fusion using a complementary filter approach"> | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ComplementaryMimuFusion< decltype(mimu)> | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ComplementaryMimuFusion< Mimu > | MIMU sensor fusion and runtime calibration component |
►Csygaldry::description_<"Simple driver for MAX17055 fuel gauge"> | |
Csygaldry::sygsa::MAX17055 | |
►Csygaldry::description_<"the Arduino I2C bus driver"> | |
Csygaldry::sygsa::TwoWire< 0, 1, 400000 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsa::TwoWire< syghe::I2C_MAIN_SDA, syghe::I2C_MAIN_SCL, 400000 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsa::TwoWire< sda_pin, scl_pin, frequency > | |
Csygaldry::designer_< str > | Document the designer of an entity, if different from the author, e.g. designer of an instrument vs author of the firmware |
Csygaldry::to_arg_pack<... >::dummy_t | |
Csygaldry::email_< str > | Document the author's contact email of an entity, e.g. a component or binding |
Csygaldry::node::endpoint | |
Csygaldry::node::endpoints_container | |
Csygaldry::sygbe::ESP32Instrument< InnerInstrument > | Runtime wrapper for ESP32 platform |
Csygaldry::external_destinations_subroutine_reflection< T > | Default case for external destinations subroutine reflection where the subroutine does not exist |
Csygaldry::external_sources_subroutine_reflection< T > | Default case for external sources subroutine reflection where the subroutine does not exist |
►Cstd::false_type | |
Csygaldry::detail::assembly_predicate< T > | Base metafunction case for most types; most types are not assemblies |
Csygaldry::detail::assembly_predicate< T > | Metafunction case for components; components are considered as assemblies for the purpose of this recursive predicate |
Csygaldry::is_tuple< T > | |
Csygaldry::node::is_assembly< typename > | |
Csygaldry::node::is_component< typename > | |
Csygaldry::node::is_endpoint< typename > | |
Csygaldry::node::is_endpoints_container< typename > | |
Csygaldry::node::is_input_endpoint< typename > | |
Csygaldry::node::is_inputs_container< typename > | |
Csygaldry::node::is_output_endpoint< typename > | |
Csygaldry::node::is_outputs_container< typename > | |
Csygaldry::function_arg_list< Ts > | A trivial type list struct for carrying function argument type lists |
►Csygaldry::function_type_reflection< NotAFunction > | |
Csygaldry::function_type_reflection< Ret(Class::*)(Args...) const noexcept > | |
►Csygaldry::function_type_reflection< Ret(Args...)> | |
Csygaldry::function_type_reflection< Ret(*)(Args...)> | |
►Csygaldry::function_type_reflection< Ret(Class::*)(Args...)> | |
Csygaldry::function_type_reflection< Ret(Class::*)(Args...) const > | |
►Csygaldry::function_type_reflection< Ret(Class::*)(Args...) const volatile > | |
Csygaldry::function_type_reflection< Ret(Class::*)(Args...) const volatile noexcept > | |
Csygaldry::function_type_reflection< Ret(Class::*)(Args...) noexcept > | |
►Csygaldry::function_type_reflection< Ret(Class::*)(Args...) volatile > | |
Csygaldry::function_type_reflection< Ret(Class::*)(Args...) volatile noexcept > | |
Csygaldry::function_type_reflection< Ret(Class::*)(Args...) const > | |
►Csygaldry::function_type_reflection< std::decay_t< decltype(f)> > | |
►Csygaldry::function_reflection<&T::external_destinations > | |
Csygaldry::external_destinations_subroutine_reflection< T > | External destinations subroutine reflection for a method of the same name |
►Csygaldry::function_reflection<&T::external_sources > | |
Csygaldry::external_sources_subroutine_reflection< T > | External sources subroutine reflection for a method of the same name |
►Csygaldry::function_reflection<&T::init > | |
Csygaldry::init_subroutine_reflection< T > | Init subroutine reflection for a method called "init" |
►Csygaldry::function_reflection<&T::operator()> | |
Csygaldry::main_subroutine_reflection< T > | Main subroutine reflection for function call operator; this takes precedence over a method called "main" |
►Csygaldry::function_reflection<&T::main > | |
Csygaldry::main_subroutine_reflection< T > | Main subroutine reflection for function call operator; this takes precedence over a method called "main" |
Csygaldry::function_reflection< f > | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitFieldState<"DPS_1000", GYRO_FS_SEL, 0b100 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::GYRO_CONFIG_1::GYRO_FS_SEL::DPS_1000 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitFieldState<"DPS_2000", GYRO_FS_SEL, 0b110 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::GYRO_CONFIG_1::GYRO_FS_SEL::DPS_2000 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitFieldState<"DPS_250", GYRO_FS_SEL, 0b000 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::GYRO_CONFIG_1::GYRO_FS_SEL::DPS_250 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitFieldState<"DPS_500", GYRO_FS_SEL, 0b010 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::GYRO_CONFIG_1::GYRO_FS_SEL::DPS_500 | |
Csygaldry::sygbe::WiFi::handler_state_t | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::Help | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948AuxSerif< Serif, i2c_address > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Tests< Serif, AK09916Serif > | |
Csygaldry::impl_arg_pack< ComponentContainer, Args > | |
Csygaldry::init_subroutine_reflection< T > | Default case for init subroutine reflection where the init subroutine does not exist |
Csygaldry::node::input_endpoint | |
Csygaldry::node::inputs_container | |
Csygaldry::sygbe::WiFi::inputs_t | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::LibloOsc< Components >::inputs_t | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::OutputLogger< Logger, Components >::inputs_t | |
Csygaldry::sygsa::MAX17055::inputs_t | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ButtonGestureModel::inputs_t | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948< Serif, AK09916Serif >::inputs_t | |
COneBitBongo::Instrument | |
Csygaldry::sygbe::ESP32Instrument< InnerInstrument >::Instrument | |
Csygaldry::sygbr::PicoSDKInstrument< InnerInstrument >::Instrument | |
►Cstd::integral_constant | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::osc_path_length< typename > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::osc_path_length< L< Path... > > | |
►Cstd::is_same | |
Csygaldry::tagged_is_same< T >::fn< Y > | |
Csygaldry::license_< str > | Document the copyright license of an entity, e.g. a component or binding |
►Csygaldry::license_<"SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later"> | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::LibloOsc< InnerInstrument > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::LibloOsc< Components > | |
►Csygaldry::license_<"SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT"> | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::CustomCli< sygaldry::sygbe::ESP32Instrument::Instrument::Components > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::CustomCli< sygaldry::sygbr::PicoSDKInstrument::Instrument::Components > | |
Csygaldry::sygsa::TwoWire< 0, 1, 400000 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsa::TwoWire< syghe::I2C_MAIN_SDA, syghe::I2C_MAIN_SCL, 400000 > | |
Csygaldry::sygse::OneshotAdc< syghe::ADC1_CHANNEL_5 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ComplementaryMimuFusion< decltype(mimu)> | |
Csygaldry::sygsr::Button< 26 > | |
Csygaldry::sygbe::WiFi | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::CustomCli< Reader, Logger, Components, Commands > | |
Csygaldry::sygsa::MAX17055 | |
Csygaldry::sygsa::TwoWire< sda_pin, scl_pin, frequency > | |
Csygaldry::sygse::OneshotAdc< gpio_num > | Driver component for the analog-digital converter |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ComplementaryMimuFusion< Mimu > | MIMU sensor fusion and runtime calibration component |
Csygaldry::sygsr::Button< pin_number, active_level > | Raspberry Pi Pico SDK Button Component |
Csygaldry::sygsr::OneshotAdc< input_number > | Oneshot analog-digital converter |
Csygaldry::sygup::DebugPrinter< Logger, message > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::List | |
Csygaldry::main_subroutine_reflection< T > | Default case for main subroutine reflection where the main subroutine does not exist |
►CMODE | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitFieldState<"ContinuousMode4", MODE, 0b01000 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::CNTL2::MODE::ContinuousMode100Hz | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitFieldState<"ContinuousMode1", MODE, 0b00010 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::CNTL2::MODE::ContinuousMode10HZ | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitFieldState<"ContinuousMode2", MODE, 0b00100 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::CNTL2::MODE::ContinuousMode20Hz | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitFieldState<"ContinuousMode3", MODE, 0b00110 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::CNTL2::MODE::ContinuousMode50Hz | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitFieldState<"PowerDown", MODE, 0b00000 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::CNTL2::MODE::PowerDown | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitFieldState<"SelfTest", MODE, 0b10000 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::CNTL2::MODE::SelfTest | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitFieldState<"SingleMeasurement", MODE, 0b00001 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::CNTL2::MODE::SingleMeasurement | |
Csygaldry::name_< str > | Document the name of an entity, e.g. an endpoint, component, or binding |
►Csygaldry::name_< name_str > | |
Csygaldry::array_message< name, 3, "", float, -1.0f, 1.0f, float {}, Tags... > | |
Csygaldry::array_message<"sensor to global quaternion", 4, "quaternion representation of the orientation of the sensor in the global frame", float, -1.0f, 1.0f > | |
Csygaldry::array_message<"global to sensor quaternion", 4, "quaternion representation of the orientation of the global bases in the sensor frame", float, -1.0f, 1.0f > | |
Csygaldry::array_message<"sensor to global matrix", 9, "special orthogonal matrix of the sensor basis vectors expressed in the global frame", float, -1.0f, 1.0f > | |
Csygaldry::array_message<"global to sensor matrix", 9, "special orthogonal matrix of the global basis vectors expressed in the sensor frame", float, -1.0f, 1.0f > | |
Csygaldry::array_message< name, 3, desc, float, min, max, float {}, Tags... > | |
Csygaldry::array_message< name, 3, "", float, min, max, float {}, Tags... > | |
Csygaldry::array_message< name, 3, "", int, min, max, int {}, Tags... > | |
Csygaldry::bng<"any edge", "bangs on any change to debounced state"> | |
Csygaldry::bng<"rising edge", "bangs when the sygaldry::button is activated"> | |
Csygaldry::bng<"falling edge", "bangs when the sygaldry::button is deactivated"> | |
Csygaldry::bng<"initialize", "trigger sensor re-initialization"> | |
Csygaldry::slider<"raw full capacity", "full capacity of the battery", int, 0, 65535, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"raw full capacity nominal", "full capacity of the battery (no voltage/temperature compensation)", int, 0, 65535, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"raw charge cycles", "LSB", int, 0, 65535, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"rcomp", "voltage compensation parameter", int, 0, 65535, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"tempco", "temperature compensation parameter", int, 0, 65535, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"instantaneous current", "mA", float > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"average current", "mA", float > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"instantaneous voltage", "V", float, 0.0f, 5.11992f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"average voltage", "V", float, 0.0f, 5.11992f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"capacity", "current capacity (mAh)", int > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"full capacity", "full capacity of the battery (mAh)", int > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"state of charge", "%", float, 0.0f, 255.9961f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"battery age", "full battery capacity divided by design capacity (%)", float, 0.0f, 255.9961f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"time to full", "h", float, 0.0f, 102.3984f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"time to empty", "h", float, 0.0f, 102.3984f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"charge cycles", "number of charge cycles", float, 0.0f, 655.35f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"raw", "raw binary representation of the analog voltage measured by the ADC", int, 0, 4096, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"proportional feedback", "proportional feedback gain coefficient", float, 0.0f, 10.0f, 3.0f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"integral feedback", "integral feedback gain coefficient", float, 0.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"accelerometer influence", "accelerometer gain coefficient; reflects confidence in the accelerometer data", float, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"magnetometer influence", "magnetometer gain coefficient; reflects confidence in the magnetometer data", float, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"movement threshold", "threshold of jerk magnitude below which the device is considered as stationary", float, 0.0f, 32.0f, 0.0001f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"gyroscope bias smoothing", "IIR filter coefficient for gyro bias smoothing filter; higher value results in more smoothing/lower cutoff", float, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.99f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"norm of gravity", "estimated strength of gravity relative to one standard gravity (9.80665 m/s/s)", float, 0.995f, 1.002f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"accelerometer sensitivity", "g/LSB", float, 1/16384.0f, 1/2048.0f, 1/4096.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"gyroscope sensitivity", "(rad/s)/LSB", float, 1/131.0f *rad_per_deg, 1/16.4f *rad_per_deg, 1/16.4f *rad_per_deg > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"magnetometer sensitivity", "uT/LSB", float, 0.15f, 0.15f > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"capacity", "Design capacity of the battery (mAh)", int, 0, 32000, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"poll rate", "Fuel gauge poll rate (ms)", int, 10000, 300000, 60000, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"end-of-charge current", "End of charge current (mA)", int, 0, 300, 50, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"Empty Voltage", "Empty voltage of the battery (V)", float, 0.0f, 4.2f, 3.0f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"Recovery voltage", "Recovery voltage of the battery (V)", float, 0.0f, 4.2f, 3.8f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"elapsed", "time in microseconds elapsed since last measurement", unsigned long, 0, 1000000, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::text< "hostname", "Name of this device on the network." "Must be less than 31 bytes long." "Requires reboot to take effect.", sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::text< "access point SSID", "Name of the device-hosted network." "Must be less than 31 bytes long." "Requires reboot to take effect.", sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::text< "access point password", "Password of the device-hosted network." "Must be greater than 8 and less than 63 bytes long." "Requires reboot to take effect.", sygaldry::tag_session_data, sygaldry::tag_write_only > | |
Csygaldry::text< "sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi SSID", "Name of the sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi network to connect to." "Must be less than 31 bytes long." "Requires reboot to take effect.", sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::text< "sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi password", "Password of the sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi network to connect to." "Must be greater than 8 and less than 63 bytes long." "Requires reboot to take effect.", sygaldry::tag_session_data, sygaldry::tag_write_only > | |
Csygaldry::text<"sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi MAC", "MAC address of the device as a sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi station on the main network"> | |
Csygaldry::text<"AP MAC", "MAC address of the device as a sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi access point on the device-hosted network"> | |
Csygaldry::text<"IP address", "IP address of the device as a sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi station on the main network." "Use this address to send network messages to the device when sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi is connected."> | |
Csygaldry::text_message< "source port", "The UDP port on which to receive incoming messages.", sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::text_message< "destination port", "The UDP port on which to send outgoing messages.", sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::text_message< "destination address", "The IP address to send outgoing messages to.", sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::text_message<"error message", "Error message from fuel gauge"> | |
Csygaldry::text_message<"status message", "Status message from fuel gauge"> | |
Csygaldry::text_message<"error message"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle< "enable access point", "Indicate whether to persistently enable the device-hosted network." "When this sygaldry::toggle is disabled, the access point is only enabled if" "the device fails to connect to sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi in station mode.", 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi connected", "Indicates when sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi is successfully connected"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"AP running", "Indicates when the device-hosted network is running"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"server running"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"output running"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"present", "Shows if battery is present"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"running", "Indicitor for if the fuel gauge is running"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"sygaldry::button state", "1 indicates sygaldry::button active, 0 inactive"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"debounced state", "updates only when the sygaldry::button state has changed since the last tick"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"calibrate magnetometer", "enable tracking magnetometer data to estimate and remove sensor bias; " "the previous bias estimate is reset when compensation is enabled" > | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"stationary", "boolean indication of whether the sensor is stationary (1) or movement is detected (0)" > | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"running"> | |
Csygaldry::array< name_str, N, desc, T, min, max, init, Tags > | A multi-dimensional numeric endpoint with user customizeable range and persistent value semantics |
Csygaldry::array_message< name_str, N, desc, T, min, max, init, Tags > | A multi-dimensional numeric endpoint with user customizeable range and occasional message semantics |
Csygaldry::bng< name_str, desc, Tags > | A semantically value-less endpoint that signals an event |
Csygaldry::button< name_str, desc, init, Tags > | A two-state integer endpoint with occasional message semantics |
Csygaldry::slider< name_str, desc, T, min, max, init, Tags > | A numeric endpoint with user customizeable range and persistent value semantics |
Csygaldry::slider_message< name_str, desc, T, min, max, init, Tags > | A numeric endpoint with user customizeable range and occasional value semantics |
Csygaldry::text< name_str, desc, Tags > | A text string endpoint with persistent value semantics |
Csygaldry::text_message< name_str, desc, Tags > | A text string endpoint with occasional message semantics |
Csygaldry::toggle< name_str, desc, init, Tags > | A two-state integer endpoint with persistent value semantics |
►Csygaldry::name_<"ADC"> | |
Csygaldry::sygsr::OneshotAdc< input_number > | Oneshot analog-digital converter |
►Csygaldry::name_<"Button"> | |
Csygaldry::sygse::Button< GPIO_NUM_15 > | |
Csygaldry::sygse::Button< GPIO_NUM_21 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsr::Button< 26 > | |
Csygaldry::sygse::Button< pin_number, active_level > | |
Csygaldry::sygsr::Button< pin_number, active_level > | Raspberry Pi Pico SDK Button Component |
►Csygaldry::name_<"CLI"> | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::CustomCli< sygaldry::sygbe::ESP32Instrument::Instrument::Components > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::CustomCli< sygaldry::sygbr::PicoSDKInstrument::Instrument::Components > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::CustomCli< Reader, Logger, Components, Commands > | |
►Csygaldry::name_<"Complementary MIMU Fusion Filter"> | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ComplementaryMimuFusion< decltype(mimu)> | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ComplementaryMimuFusion< Mimu > | MIMU sensor fusion and runtime calibration component |
►Csygaldry::name_<"Debug Printer"> | |
Csygaldry::sygup::DebugPrinter< Logger, message > | |
►Csygaldry::name_<"ESP32 Oneshot ADC"> | |
Csygaldry::sygse::OneshotAdc< syghe::ADC1_CHANNEL_5 > | |
Csygaldry::sygse::OneshotAdc< gpio_num > | Driver component for the analog-digital converter |
►Csygaldry::name_<"GPIO Pin"> | |
Csygaldry::sygse::GPIO< pin_number > | |
►Csygaldry::name_<"ICM20948 MIMU"> | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948< sygsa::TwoWireByteSerif< sygsp::ICM20948_I2C_ADDRESS_1 >, sygsa::TwoWireByteSerif< sygsp::AK09916_I2C_ADDRESS > > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948< sygsa::TwoWireByteSerif< sygsp::ICM20948_I2C_ADDRESS_0 >, sygsa::TwoWireByteSerif< sygsp::AK09916_I2C_ADDRESS > > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948< Serif, AK09916Serif > | |
►Csygaldry::name_<"Liblo OSC"> | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::LibloOsc< InnerInstrument > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::LibloOsc< Components > | |
►Csygaldry::name_<"MAX17055 Fuel Gauge"> | |
Csygaldry::sygsa::MAX17055 | |
►Csygaldry::name_<"Output Logger"> | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::OutputLogger< Logger, Components > | |
►Csygaldry::name_<"SPIFFS Session Storage"> | |
Csygaldry::sygbe::SpiffsSessionStorage< sygaldry::sygbe::ESP32Instrument::Instrument::Components > | |
Csygaldry::sygbe::SpiffsSessionStorage< Components > | |
►Csygaldry::name_<"Two Wire Bus"> | |
Csygaldry::sygsa::TwoWire< 0, 1, 400000 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsa::TwoWire< syghe::I2C_MAIN_SDA, syghe::I2C_MAIN_SCL, 400000 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsa::TwoWire< sda_pin, scl_pin, frequency > | |
►Csygaldry::name_<"WiFi Manager"> | |
Csygaldry::sygbe::WiFi | |
Csygaldry::num_literal< T > | A wrapper around a numeric literal that enables using floats as template parameters |
►Csygaldry::occasional< T > | Wrapper around a type T with optional-like semantics and persistent state |
Csygaldry::array_message< name, 3, "", float, -1.0f, 1.0f, float {}, Tags... > | |
Csygaldry::array_message<"sensor to global quaternion", 4, "quaternion representation of the orientation of the sensor in the global frame", float, -1.0f, 1.0f > | |
Csygaldry::array_message<"global to sensor quaternion", 4, "quaternion representation of the orientation of the global bases in the sensor frame", float, -1.0f, 1.0f > | |
Csygaldry::array_message<"sensor to global matrix", 9, "special orthogonal matrix of the sensor basis vectors expressed in the global frame", float, -1.0f, 1.0f > | |
Csygaldry::array_message<"global to sensor matrix", 9, "special orthogonal matrix of the global basis vectors expressed in the sensor frame", float, -1.0f, 1.0f > | |
Csygaldry::array_message< name, 3, desc, float, min, max, float {}, Tags... > | |
Csygaldry::array_message< name, 3, "", float, min, max, float {}, Tags... > | |
Csygaldry::array_message< name, 3, "", int, min, max, int {}, Tags... > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"capacity", "Design capacity of the battery (mAh)", int, 0, 32000, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"poll rate", "Fuel gauge poll rate (ms)", int, 10000, 300000, 60000, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"end-of-charge current", "End of charge current (mA)", int, 0, 300, 50, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"Empty Voltage", "Empty voltage of the battery (V)", float, 0.0f, 4.2f, 3.0f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"Recovery voltage", "Recovery voltage of the battery (V)", float, 0.0f, 4.2f, 3.8f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"elapsed", "time in microseconds elapsed since last measurement", unsigned long, 0, 1000000, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::array_message< name_str, N, desc, T, min, max, init, Tags > | A multi-dimensional numeric endpoint with user customizeable range and occasional message semantics |
Csygaldry::slider_message< name_str, desc, T, min, max, init, Tags > | A numeric endpoint with user customizeable range and occasional value semantics |
►Csygaldry::occasional< char > | |
Csygaldry::button< name_str, desc, init, Tags > | A two-state integer endpoint with occasional message semantics |
Csygaldry::occasional< float > | |
Csygaldry::occasional< int > | |
Csygaldry::occasional< std::array< float, N > > | |
Csygaldry::occasional< std::array< int, N > > | |
►Csygaldry::occasional< std::string > | |
Csygaldry::text_message< "source port", "The UDP port on which to receive incoming messages.", sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::text_message< "destination port", "The UDP port on which to send outgoing messages.", sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::text_message< "destination address", "The IP address to send outgoing messages to.", sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::text_message<"error message", "Error message from fuel gauge"> | |
Csygaldry::text_message<"status message", "Status message from fuel gauge"> | |
Csygaldry::text_message<"error message"> | |
Csygaldry::text_message< name_str, desc, Tags > | A text string endpoint with occasional message semantics |
Csygaldry::occasional< unsigned long > | |
COneBitBongo | |
Csygaldry::sygse::detail::OneshotAdcImpl | |
Csygaldry::sygse::OneshotAdcOutputs | Output endpoints for OneshotAdc |
COrientor | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::osc_path< typename > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::osc_path< L< Path... > > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::osc_type_string< T > | |
Csygaldry::node::output_endpoint | |
Csygaldry::node::outputs_container | |
Csygaldry::sygbe::WiFi::outputs_t | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::LibloOsc< Components >::outputs_t | |
Csygaldry::sygsa::MAX17055::outputs_t | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ButtonGestureModel::outputs_t | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948< Serif, AK09916Serif >::outputs_t | |
Csygaldry::sygsr::OneshotAdc< input_number >::outputs_t | |
►Csygaldry::persistent< T > | A wrapper around a value-like type |
Csygaldry::slider<"raw full capacity", "full capacity of the battery", int, 0, 65535, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"raw full capacity nominal", "full capacity of the battery (no voltage/temperature compensation)", int, 0, 65535, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"raw charge cycles", "LSB", int, 0, 65535, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"rcomp", "voltage compensation parameter", int, 0, 65535, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"tempco", "temperature compensation parameter", int, 0, 65535, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"instantaneous current", "mA", float > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"average current", "mA", float > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"instantaneous voltage", "V", float, 0.0f, 5.11992f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"average voltage", "V", float, 0.0f, 5.11992f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"capacity", "current capacity (mAh)", int > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"full capacity", "full capacity of the battery (mAh)", int > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"state of charge", "%", float, 0.0f, 255.9961f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"battery age", "full battery capacity divided by design capacity (%)", float, 0.0f, 255.9961f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"time to full", "h", float, 0.0f, 102.3984f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"time to empty", "h", float, 0.0f, 102.3984f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"charge cycles", "number of charge cycles", float, 0.0f, 655.35f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"raw", "raw binary representation of the analog voltage measured by the ADC", int, 0, 4096, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"proportional feedback", "proportional feedback gain coefficient", float, 0.0f, 10.0f, 3.0f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"integral feedback", "integral feedback gain coefficient", float, 0.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"accelerometer influence", "accelerometer gain coefficient; reflects confidence in the accelerometer data", float, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"magnetometer influence", "magnetometer gain coefficient; reflects confidence in the magnetometer data", float, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"movement threshold", "threshold of jerk magnitude below which the device is considered as stationary", float, 0.0f, 32.0f, 0.0001f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"gyroscope bias smoothing", "IIR filter coefficient for gyro bias smoothing filter; higher value results in more smoothing/lower cutoff", float, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.99f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"norm of gravity", "estimated strength of gravity relative to one standard gravity (9.80665 m/s/s)", float, 0.995f, 1.002f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"accelerometer sensitivity", "g/LSB", float, 1/16384.0f, 1/2048.0f, 1/4096.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"gyroscope sensitivity", "(rad/s)/LSB", float, 1/131.0f *rad_per_deg, 1/16.4f *rad_per_deg, 1/16.4f *rad_per_deg > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"magnetometer sensitivity", "uT/LSB", float, 0.15f, 0.15f > | |
Csygaldry::array< name_str, N, desc, T, min, max, init, Tags > | A multi-dimensional numeric endpoint with user customizeable range and persistent value semantics |
Csygaldry::slider< name_str, desc, T, min, max, init, Tags > | A numeric endpoint with user customizeable range and persistent value semantics |
►Csygaldry::persistent< bool > | |
Csygaldry::bng<"any edge", "bangs on any change to debounced state"> | |
Csygaldry::bng<"rising edge", "bangs when the sygaldry::button is activated"> | |
Csygaldry::bng<"falling edge", "bangs when the sygaldry::button is deactivated"> | |
Csygaldry::bng<"initialize", "trigger sensor re-initialization"> | |
Csygaldry::bng< name_str, desc, Tags > | A semantically value-less endpoint that signals an event |
►Csygaldry::persistent< char > | |
Csygaldry::toggle< "enable access point", "Indicate whether to persistently enable the device-hosted network." "When this sygaldry::toggle is disabled, the access point is only enabled if" "the device fails to connect to sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi in station mode.", 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi connected", "Indicates when sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi is successfully connected"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"AP running", "Indicates when the device-hosted network is running"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"server running"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"output running"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"present", "Shows if battery is present"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"running", "Indicitor for if the fuel gauge is running"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"sygaldry::button state", "1 indicates sygaldry::button active, 0 inactive"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"debounced state", "updates only when the sygaldry::button state has changed since the last tick"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"calibrate magnetometer", "enable tracking magnetometer data to estimate and remove sensor bias; " "the previous bias estimate is reset when compensation is enabled" > | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"stationary", "boolean indication of whether the sensor is stationary (1) or movement is detected (0)" > | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"running"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle< name_str, desc, init, Tags > | A two-state integer endpoint with persistent value semantics |
Csygaldry::persistent< float > | |
Csygaldry::persistent< int > | |
Csygaldry::persistent< std::array< float, N > > | |
►Csygaldry::persistent< std::string > | |
Csygaldry::text< "hostname", "Name of this device on the network." "Must be less than 31 bytes long." "Requires reboot to take effect.", sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::text< "access point SSID", "Name of the device-hosted network." "Must be less than 31 bytes long." "Requires reboot to take effect.", sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::text< "access point password", "Password of the device-hosted network." "Must be greater than 8 and less than 63 bytes long." "Requires reboot to take effect.", sygaldry::tag_session_data, sygaldry::tag_write_only > | |
Csygaldry::text< "sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi SSID", "Name of the sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi network to connect to." "Must be less than 31 bytes long." "Requires reboot to take effect.", sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::text< "sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi password", "Password of the sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi network to connect to." "Must be greater than 8 and less than 63 bytes long." "Requires reboot to take effect.", sygaldry::tag_session_data, sygaldry::tag_write_only > | |
Csygaldry::text<"sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi MAC", "MAC address of the device as a sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi station on the main network"> | |
Csygaldry::text<"AP MAC", "MAC address of the device as a sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi access point on the device-hosted network"> | |
Csygaldry::text<"IP address", "IP address of the device as a sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi station on the main network." "Use this address to send network messages to the device when sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi is connected."> | |
Csygaldry::text< name_str, desc, Tags > | A text string endpoint with persistent value semantics |
Csygaldry::sygbr::PicoReader | Command line input reader for Pico SDK |
Csygaldry::sygbr::PicoSDKInstrument< InnerInstrument > | Runtime wrapper for Raspberry Pi Pico SDK platform |
►Csygaldry::range_< _min, _max, _init > | Document the expected minimum, maximum, and initial value of an endpoint |
Csygaldry::array_message<"sensor to global quaternion", 4, "quaternion representation of the orientation of the sensor in the global frame", float, -1.0f, 1.0f > | |
Csygaldry::array_message<"global to sensor quaternion", 4, "quaternion representation of the orientation of the global bases in the sensor frame", float, -1.0f, 1.0f > | |
Csygaldry::array_message<"sensor to global matrix", 9, "special orthogonal matrix of the sensor basis vectors expressed in the global frame", float, -1.0f, 1.0f > | |
Csygaldry::array_message<"global to sensor matrix", 9, "special orthogonal matrix of the global basis vectors expressed in the sensor frame", float, -1.0f, 1.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"instantaneous current", "mA", float > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"average current", "mA", float > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"capacity", "current capacity (mAh)", int > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"full capacity", "full capacity of the battery (mAh)", int > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"norm of gravity", "estimated strength of gravity relative to one standard gravity (9.80665 m/s/s)", float, 0.995f, 1.002f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"magnetometer sensitivity", "uT/LSB", float, 0.15f, 0.15f > | |
Csygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi connected", "Indicates when sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi is successfully connected"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"AP running", "Indicates when the device-hosted network is running"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"server running"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"output running"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"present", "Shows if battery is present"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"running", "Indicitor for if the fuel gauge is running"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"debounced state", "updates only when the sygaldry::button state has changed since the last tick"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"calibrate magnetometer", "enable tracking magnetometer data to estimate and remove sensor bias; " "the previous bias estimate is reset when compensation is enabled" > | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"stationary", "boolean indication of whether the sensor is stationary (1) or movement is detected (0)" > | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"running"> | |
Csygaldry::array< name_str, N, desc, T, min, max, init, Tags > | A multi-dimensional numeric endpoint with user customizeable range and persistent value semantics |
Csygaldry::array_message< name_str, N, desc, T, min, max, init, Tags > | A multi-dimensional numeric endpoint with user customizeable range and occasional message semantics |
Csygaldry::button< name_str, desc, init, Tags > | A two-state integer endpoint with occasional message semantics |
Csygaldry::slider< name_str, desc, T, min, max, init, Tags > | A numeric endpoint with user customizeable range and persistent value semantics |
Csygaldry::slider_message< name_str, desc, T, min, max, init, Tags > | A numeric endpoint with user customizeable range and occasional value semantics |
Csygaldry::toggle< name_str, desc, init, Tags > | A two-state integer endpoint with persistent value semantics |
Csygaldry::range_< 0, 1, 0 > | |
►Csygaldry::range_< 0, 1, init > | |
Csygaldry::toggle< "enable access point", "Indicate whether to persistently enable the device-hosted network." "When this sygaldry::toggle is disabled, the access point is only enabled if" "the device fails to connect to sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi in station mode.", 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"sygaldry::button state", "1 indicates sygaldry::button active, 0 inactive"> | |
Csygaldry::range_< 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f > | |
►Csygaldry::range_< min, max, init > | |
Csygaldry::array_message< name, 3, "", float, -1.0f, 1.0f, float {}, Tags... > | |
Csygaldry::array_message< name, 3, desc, float, min, max, float {}, Tags... > | |
Csygaldry::array_message< name, 3, "", float, min, max, float {}, Tags... > | |
Csygaldry::array_message< name, 3, "", int, min, max, int {}, Tags... > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"raw full capacity", "full capacity of the battery", int, 0, 65535, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"raw full capacity nominal", "full capacity of the battery (no voltage/temperature compensation)", int, 0, 65535, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"raw charge cycles", "LSB", int, 0, 65535, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"rcomp", "voltage compensation parameter", int, 0, 65535, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"tempco", "temperature compensation parameter", int, 0, 65535, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"instantaneous voltage", "V", float, 0.0f, 5.11992f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"average voltage", "V", float, 0.0f, 5.11992f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"state of charge", "%", float, 0.0f, 255.9961f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"battery age", "full battery capacity divided by design capacity (%)", float, 0.0f, 255.9961f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"time to full", "h", float, 0.0f, 102.3984f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"time to empty", "h", float, 0.0f, 102.3984f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"charge cycles", "number of charge cycles", float, 0.0f, 655.35f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"raw", "raw binary representation of the analog voltage measured by the ADC", int, 0, 4096, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"proportional feedback", "proportional feedback gain coefficient", float, 0.0f, 10.0f, 3.0f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"integral feedback", "integral feedback gain coefficient", float, 0.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"accelerometer influence", "accelerometer gain coefficient; reflects confidence in the accelerometer data", float, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"magnetometer influence", "magnetometer gain coefficient; reflects confidence in the magnetometer data", float, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"movement threshold", "threshold of jerk magnitude below which the device is considered as stationary", float, 0.0f, 32.0f, 0.0001f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"gyroscope bias smoothing", "IIR filter coefficient for gyro bias smoothing filter; higher value results in more smoothing/lower cutoff", float, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.99f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"accelerometer sensitivity", "g/LSB", float, 1/16384.0f, 1/2048.0f, 1/4096.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"gyroscope sensitivity", "(rad/s)/LSB", float, 1/131.0f *rad_per_deg, 1/16.4f *rad_per_deg, 1/16.4f *rad_per_deg > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"capacity", "Design capacity of the battery (mAh)", int, 0, 32000, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"poll rate", "Fuel gauge poll rate (ms)", int, 10000, 300000, 60000, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"end-of-charge current", "End of charge current (mA)", int, 0, 300, 50, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"Empty Voltage", "Empty voltage of the battery (V)", float, 0.0f, 4.2f, 3.0f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"Recovery voltage", "Recovery voltage of the battery (V)", float, 0.0f, 4.2f, 3.8f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"elapsed", "time in microseconds elapsed since last measurement", unsigned long, 0, 1000000, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::range_< min, max, min > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::RapidJsonSessionStorage< IStream, OStream, Components > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::RapidJsonSessionStorage< Components > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::RapidJsonSessionStorage< sygaldry::sygbe::ESP32Instrument::Instrument::Components > | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register< name, addr_, bank_, reset_ > | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitField< name, Register, mask > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitSwitch< name, Register, mask, invert > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitTrigger< name, Register, mask > | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitField< name, Register, mask_ > | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitSwitch<"ACCEL_FCHOICE", ACCEL_CONFIG, 0b1 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::ACCEL_CONFIG::ACCEL_FCHOICE | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitSwitch<"GYRO_FCHOICE", GYRO_CONFIG_1, 0b1 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::GYRO_CONFIG_1::GYRO_FCHOICE | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitTrigger<"Soft Reset", CNTL3, 1 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::CNTL3::SRST | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitFieldState< name, BitField, value > | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"ACCEL_CONFIG", 0x14, 2, 0x01 > | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::ACCEL_CONFIG | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitField< name, ACCEL_CONFIG, mask > | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"ACCEL_SMPLRT_DIV_1", 0x10, 2, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::ACCEL_SMPLRT_DIV_1 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"ACCEL_SMPLRT_DIV_2", 0x11, 2, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::ACCEL_SMPLRT_DIV_2 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"ACCEL_XOUT_H", 0x2D, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::ACCEL_XOUT_H | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"ACCEL_XOUT_L", 0x2E, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::ACCEL_XOUT_L | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"ACCEL_YOUT_H", 0x2F, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::ACCEL_YOUT_H | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"ACCEL_YOUT_L", 0x30, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::ACCEL_YOUT_L | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"ACCEL_ZOUT_H", 0x31, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::ACCEL_ZOUT_H | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"ACCEL_ZOUT_L", 0x32, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::ACCEL_ZOUT_L | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"DELAY_TIME_H", 0x28, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::DELAY_TIME_H | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"DELAY_TIME_L", 0x29, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::DELAY_TIME_L | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_00", 0x3B, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_00 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_01", 0x3C, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_01 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_02", 0x3D, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_02 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_03", 0x3E, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_03 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_04", 0x3F, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_04 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_05", 0x40, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_05 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_06", 0x41, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_06 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_07", 0x42, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_07 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_08", 0x43, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_08 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_09", 0x44, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_09 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_10", 0x45, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_10 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_11", 0x46, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_11 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_12", 0x47, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_12 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_13", 0x48, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_13 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_14", 0x49, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_14 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_15", 0x4A, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_15 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_16", 0x4B, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_16 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_17", 0x4C, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_17 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_18", 0x4D, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_18 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_19", 0x4E, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_19 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_20", 0x4F, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_20 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_21", 0x50, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_21 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_22", 0x51, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_22 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_23", 0x52, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_23 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"GYRO_CONFIG_1", 0x01, 2, 0x01 > | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::GYRO_CONFIG_1 | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitField< name, GYRO_CONFIG_1, mask > | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"GYRO_SMPLRT_DIV", 0x00, 2, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::GYRO_SMPLRT_DIV | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"GYRO_XOUT_H", 0x33, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::GYRO_XOUT_H | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"GYRO_XOUT_L", 0x34, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::GYRO_XOUT_L | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"GYRO_YOUT_H", 0x35, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::GYRO_YOUT_H | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"GYRO_YOUT_L", 0x36, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::GYRO_YOUT_L | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"GYRO_ZOUT_H", 0x37, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::GYRO_ZOUT_H | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"GYRO_ZOUT_L", 0x38, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::GYRO_ZOUT_L | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"I2C_MST_STATUS", 0x17, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::I2C_MST_STATUS | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"I2C_SLV4_ADDR", 0x13, 3, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::I2C_SLV4_ADDR | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"I2C_SLV4_ADDR", 0x15, 3, 0 > | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::I2C_SLV4_CTRL | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitField<"", I2C_SLV4_CTRL, 0b11111 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::I2C_SLV4_CTRL::I2C_SLV4_DLY | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"I2C_SLV4_DI", 0x16, 3, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::I2C_SLV4_DI | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"I2C_SLV4_DO", 0x16, 3, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::I2C_SLV4_DO | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"I2C_SLV4_REG", 0x14, 3, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::I2C_SLV4_REG | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"INT_PIN_CFG", 0x0F, 0, 0x00 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::INT_PIN_CFG | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"INT_STATUS_1", 0x1A, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::INT_STATUS_1 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"INT_STATUS_2", 0x1B, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::INT_STATUS_2 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"INT_STATUS_3", 0x1C, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::INT_STATUS_3 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"LP_CONFIG", 0x05, 0, 0x40 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::LP_CONFIG | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"PWR_MGMT_1", 0x06, 0, 0x41 > | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::PWR_MGMT_1 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::BitField<"CLKSEL", PWR_MGMT_1, 0b111 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::PWR_MGMT_1::CLKSEL | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"PWR_MGMT_2", 0x07, 0, 0x00 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::PWR_MGMT_2 | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"TEMP_OUT_H", 0x39, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::TEMP_OUT_H | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"TEMP_OUT_L", 0x3A, 0, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::TEMP_OUT_L | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"USER_CTRL", 0x03, 0, 0x00 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::USER_CTRL | |
►Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::Register<"WHO_AM_I", 0x00, 0, 0xEA > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ICM20948Registers< Serif >::WHO_AM_I | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::respeller< NamedType, Mappings > | |
►Csygaldry::sygbp::respeller< NamedType > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::passthrough_spelling< NamedType > | |
►Csygaldry::sygbp::respeller< NamedType, kebab > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::kebab_case< NamedType > | |
►Csygaldry::sygbp::respeller< NamedType, kebab, lower > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::lower_kebab_case< NamedType > | |
►Csygaldry::sygbp::respeller< NamedType, kebab, upper > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::upper_kebab_case< NamedType > | |
►Csygaldry::sygbp::respeller< NamedType, snake > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::snake_case< NamedType > | |
►Csygaldry::sygbp::respeller< NamedType, snake, lower > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::lower_snake_case< NamedType > | |
►Csygaldry::sygbp::respeller< NamedType, snake, upper > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::upper_snake_case< NamedType > | |
Csygaldry::Runtime< ComponentContainer > | Wrapper for a component assemblage that calls init and main of all subcomponents that aren't parts |
COneBitBongo::Instrument::Sensors | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::Set | |
Csygaldry::sygbe::SpiffsJsonOStream | |
Csygaldry::string_literal< N > | A wrapper around a string lteral that enables using strings as template parameters |
Csygaldry::tag_session_data | Session data tag helper |
Csygaldry::tag_write_only | Write only tag helper |
Csygaldry::tagged< Tag, Val > | |
Csygaldry::tagged_is_same< T > | |
►CTags | |
►Csygaldry::tagged_< Tags... > | |
Csygaldry::array_message< name, 3, "", float, -1.0f, 1.0f, float {}, Tags... > | |
Csygaldry::array_message<"sensor to global quaternion", 4, "quaternion representation of the orientation of the sensor in the global frame", float, -1.0f, 1.0f > | |
Csygaldry::array_message<"global to sensor quaternion", 4, "quaternion representation of the orientation of the global bases in the sensor frame", float, -1.0f, 1.0f > | |
Csygaldry::array_message<"sensor to global matrix", 9, "special orthogonal matrix of the sensor basis vectors expressed in the global frame", float, -1.0f, 1.0f > | |
Csygaldry::array_message<"global to sensor matrix", 9, "special orthogonal matrix of the global basis vectors expressed in the sensor frame", float, -1.0f, 1.0f > | |
Csygaldry::array_message< name, 3, desc, float, min, max, float {}, Tags... > | |
Csygaldry::array_message< name, 3, "", float, min, max, float {}, Tags... > | |
Csygaldry::array_message< name, 3, "", int, min, max, int {}, Tags... > | |
Csygaldry::bng<"any edge", "bangs on any change to debounced state"> | |
Csygaldry::bng<"rising edge", "bangs when the sygaldry::button is activated"> | |
Csygaldry::bng<"falling edge", "bangs when the sygaldry::button is deactivated"> | |
Csygaldry::bng<"initialize", "trigger sensor re-initialization"> | |
Csygaldry::slider<"raw full capacity", "full capacity of the battery", int, 0, 65535, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"raw full capacity nominal", "full capacity of the battery (no voltage/temperature compensation)", int, 0, 65535, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"raw charge cycles", "LSB", int, 0, 65535, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"rcomp", "voltage compensation parameter", int, 0, 65535, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"tempco", "temperature compensation parameter", int, 0, 65535, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"instantaneous current", "mA", float > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"average current", "mA", float > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"instantaneous voltage", "V", float, 0.0f, 5.11992f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"average voltage", "V", float, 0.0f, 5.11992f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"capacity", "current capacity (mAh)", int > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"full capacity", "full capacity of the battery (mAh)", int > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"state of charge", "%", float, 0.0f, 255.9961f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"battery age", "full battery capacity divided by design capacity (%)", float, 0.0f, 255.9961f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"time to full", "h", float, 0.0f, 102.3984f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"time to empty", "h", float, 0.0f, 102.3984f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"charge cycles", "number of charge cycles", float, 0.0f, 655.35f, 0.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"raw", "raw binary representation of the analog voltage measured by the ADC", int, 0, 4096, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"proportional feedback", "proportional feedback gain coefficient", float, 0.0f, 10.0f, 3.0f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"integral feedback", "integral feedback gain coefficient", float, 0.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"accelerometer influence", "accelerometer gain coefficient; reflects confidence in the accelerometer data", float, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"magnetometer influence", "magnetometer gain coefficient; reflects confidence in the magnetometer data", float, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"movement threshold", "threshold of jerk magnitude below which the device is considered as stationary", float, 0.0f, 32.0f, 0.0001f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"gyroscope bias smoothing", "IIR filter coefficient for gyro bias smoothing filter; higher value results in more smoothing/lower cutoff", float, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.99f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"norm of gravity", "estimated strength of gravity relative to one standard gravity (9.80665 m/s/s)", float, 0.995f, 1.002f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"accelerometer sensitivity", "g/LSB", float, 1/16384.0f, 1/2048.0f, 1/4096.0f > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"gyroscope sensitivity", "(rad/s)/LSB", float, 1/131.0f *rad_per_deg, 1/16.4f *rad_per_deg, 1/16.4f *rad_per_deg > | |
Csygaldry::slider<"magnetometer sensitivity", "uT/LSB", float, 0.15f, 0.15f > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"capacity", "Design capacity of the battery (mAh)", int, 0, 32000, 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"poll rate", "Fuel gauge poll rate (ms)", int, 10000, 300000, 60000, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"end-of-charge current", "End of charge current (mA)", int, 0, 300, 50, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"Empty Voltage", "Empty voltage of the battery (V)", float, 0.0f, 4.2f, 3.0f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"Recovery voltage", "Recovery voltage of the battery (V)", float, 0.0f, 4.2f, 3.8f, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::slider_message<"elapsed", "time in microseconds elapsed since last measurement", unsigned long, 0, 1000000, 0 > | |
Csygaldry::text< "hostname", "Name of this device on the network." "Must be less than 31 bytes long." "Requires reboot to take effect.", sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::text< "access point SSID", "Name of the device-hosted network." "Must be less than 31 bytes long." "Requires reboot to take effect.", sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::text< "access point password", "Password of the device-hosted network." "Must be greater than 8 and less than 63 bytes long." "Requires reboot to take effect.", sygaldry::tag_session_data, sygaldry::tag_write_only > | |
Csygaldry::text< "sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi SSID", "Name of the sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi network to connect to." "Must be less than 31 bytes long." "Requires reboot to take effect.", sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::text< "sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi password", "Password of the sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi network to connect to." "Must be greater than 8 and less than 63 bytes long." "Requires reboot to take effect.", sygaldry::tag_session_data, sygaldry::tag_write_only > | |
Csygaldry::text<"sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi MAC", "MAC address of the device as a sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi station on the main network"> | |
Csygaldry::text<"AP MAC", "MAC address of the device as a sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi access point on the device-hosted network"> | |
Csygaldry::text<"IP address", "IP address of the device as a sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi station on the main network." "Use this address to send network messages to the device when sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi is connected."> | |
Csygaldry::text_message< "source port", "The UDP port on which to receive incoming messages.", sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::text_message< "destination port", "The UDP port on which to send outgoing messages.", sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::text_message< "destination address", "The IP address to send outgoing messages to.", sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::text_message<"error message", "Error message from fuel gauge"> | |
Csygaldry::text_message<"status message", "Status message from fuel gauge"> | |
Csygaldry::text_message<"error message"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle< "enable access point", "Indicate whether to persistently enable the device-hosted network." "When this sygaldry::toggle is disabled, the access point is only enabled if" "the device fails to connect to sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi in station mode.", 0, sygaldry::tag_session_data > | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi connected", "Indicates when sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi is successfully connected"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"AP running", "Indicates when the device-hosted network is running"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"server running"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"output running"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"present", "Shows if battery is present"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"running", "Indicitor for if the fuel gauge is running"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"sygaldry::button state", "1 indicates sygaldry::button active, 0 inactive"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"debounced state", "updates only when the sygaldry::button state has changed since the last tick"> | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"calibrate magnetometer", "enable tracking magnetometer data to estimate and remove sensor bias; " "the previous bias estimate is reset when compensation is enabled" > | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"stationary", "boolean indication of whether the sensor is stationary (1) or movement is detected (0)" > | |
Csygaldry::toggle<"running"> | |
Csygaldry::array< name_str, N, desc, T, min, max, init, Tags > | A multi-dimensional numeric endpoint with user customizeable range and persistent value semantics |
Csygaldry::array_message< name_str, N, desc, T, min, max, init, Tags > | A multi-dimensional numeric endpoint with user customizeable range and occasional message semantics |
Csygaldry::bng< name_str, desc, Tags > | A semantically value-less endpoint that signals an event |
Csygaldry::button< name_str, desc, init, Tags > | A two-state integer endpoint with occasional message semantics |
Csygaldry::slider< name_str, desc, T, min, max, init, Tags > | A numeric endpoint with user customizeable range and persistent value semantics |
Csygaldry::slider_message< name_str, desc, T, min, max, init, Tags > | A numeric endpoint with user customizeable range and occasional value semantics |
Csygaldry::text< name_str, desc, Tags > | A text string endpoint with persistent value semantics |
Csygaldry::text_message< name_str, desc, Tags > | A text string endpoint with occasional message semantics |
Csygaldry::toggle< name_str, desc, init, Tags > | A two-state integer endpoint with persistent value semantics |
Csygaldry::tagged_< Tags > | Apply the tag helpers classes Tags to an entity, especially an endpoint |
CTest | |
Csygaldry::to_arg_pack<... > | |
Csygaldry::to_arg_pack< Component, ComponentContainer, external_destinations_subroutine_reflection< Component > > | |
Csygaldry::to_arg_pack< Component, ComponentContainer, external_sources_subroutine_reflection< Component > > | |
Csygaldry::to_arg_pack< Component, ComponentContainer, FuncRefl > | |
Csygaldry::to_arg_pack< Component, ComponentContainer, init_subroutine_reflection< Component > > | |
Csygaldry::to_arg_pack< Component, ComponentContainer, main_subroutine_reflection< Component > > | |
►Cstd::true_type | |
Csygaldry::detail::assembly_predicate< T > | Metafunction case for components; components are considered as assemblies for the purpose of this recursive predicate |
Csygaldry::is_tuple< tpl::tuple< Ts... > > | |
Csygaldry::node::is_assembly< assembly > | |
Csygaldry::node::is_component< component > | |
Csygaldry::node::is_endpoint< endpoint > | |
Csygaldry::node::is_endpoint< input_endpoint > | |
Csygaldry::node::is_endpoint< output_endpoint > | |
Csygaldry::node::is_endpoints_container< endpoints_container > | |
Csygaldry::node::is_endpoints_container< inputs_container > | |
Csygaldry::node::is_endpoints_container< outputs_container > | |
Csygaldry::node::is_input_endpoint< input_endpoint > | |
Csygaldry::node::is_inputs_container< inputs_container > | |
Csygaldry::node::is_output_endpoint< output_endpoint > | |
Csygaldry::node::is_outputs_container< outputs_container > | |
CTStick | |
Csygaldry::sygsa::detail::TwoWireByteSerif | |
Csygaldry::sygsa::TwoWireByteSerif< i2c_address > | |
►Csygaldry::unit_< str > | Document a textual description of the unit of measurement used by an entity, especially an endpoint |
Csygaldry::vec3_message< name, T, min, max, unit, desc, Tags > | A MIMU data vector |
Csygaldry::unit_< "normalized" > | |
►Csygaldry::unit_< unit > | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"sensor acceleration", float, -16.0f *mss_per_g, 16.0f *mss_per_g, "m/s/s", "estimated acceleration due to motion expressed in the sensor frame of reference" > | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"global acceleration", float, -16.0f *mss_per_g, 16.0f *mss_per_g, "m/s/s", "estimated acceleration due to motion expressed in the performance frame of reference" > | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"previous accelerometer", float, -16.0f, 16.0f, "g", "previous measurement of acceleration; used in the estimation of jerk" > | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"jerk", float, -32.0f, 32.0f, "g/s", "approximate signal analogous to the derivative of acceleration in the sensor frame" > | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"gyroscope bias", float, -2000.0f *rad_per_deg, 2000.0f *rad_per_deg, "rad/s", "estimated gyroscope sensor bias" > | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"magnetometer maximum", float, -4900.0f, 4900.0f, "uT", "component-wise maximum of magnetometer values measured while calibrating bias compensation" > | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"magnetometer minimum", float, -4900.0f, 4900.0f, "uT", "component-wise minimum of magnetometer values measured while calibrating bias compensation" > | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"magnetometer bias", float, -4900.0f, 4900.0f, "uT", "estimated magnetometer sensor bias" > | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"angular rate", float, -2000.0f *rad_per_deg, 2000.0f *rad_per_deg, "rad/s", "estimated angular rate based on fused sensor measurements" > | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message< "integral feedback", float, -20.0f, 20.0f, "integral feedback through the complementary filter" > | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"accelerometer raw", int, -32768, 32767, "LSB"> | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"accelerometer", float, -16, 16, "g"> | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"gyroscope raw", int, -32768, 32767, "LSB"> | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"gyroscope", float, -2000.0f *rad_per_deg, 2000.0f *rad_per_deg, "rad/s"> | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"magnetometer raw", int, -32768, 32767, "LSB"> | |
Csygaldry::vec3_message<"magnetometer", float, -4900, 4900, "uT"> | |
Csygaldry::uuid_< str > | Document an unambiguous unique identifier for the type of an entity e.g. a component or binding |
Csygaldry::version_< str > | Document a textual description of the version number of an entity, e.g. a component or binding |
►Csygaldry::version_<"0.0.0"> | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::CustomCli< sygaldry::sygbe::ESP32Instrument::Instrument::Components > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::CustomCli< sygaldry::sygbr::PicoSDKInstrument::Instrument::Components > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::LibloOsc< InnerInstrument > | |
Csygaldry::sygsa::TwoWire< 0, 1, 400000 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsa::TwoWire< syghe::I2C_MAIN_SDA, syghe::I2C_MAIN_SCL, 400000 > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ComplementaryMimuFusion< decltype(mimu)> | |
Csygaldry::sygsr::Button< 26 > | |
Csygaldry::sygbe::WiFi | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::CustomCli< Reader, Logger, Components, Commands > | |
Csygaldry::sygbp::LibloOsc< Components > | |
Csygaldry::sygsa::MAX17055 | |
Csygaldry::sygsa::TwoWire< sda_pin, scl_pin, frequency > | |
Csygaldry::sygsp::ComplementaryMimuFusion< Mimu > | MIMU sensor fusion and runtime calibration component |
Csygaldry::sygsr::Button< pin_number, active_level > | Raspberry Pi Pico SDK Button Component |
Csygaldry::sygsr::OneshotAdc< input_number > | Oneshot analog-digital converter |
Csygaldry::sygup::DebugPrinter< Logger, message > | |