No Matches
Here is a list of all documented concepts with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 RSimpleAggregateEnsure T is not a union and is either scalar or aggregate. Doesn't catch inheritance!
 RComponentCheck if T is a Sygaldry component
 Rnot_voidCheck that type T is not void. Used in the definition of MimuDataStruct
 Rvec3_likeCheck that type T seems to be a MIMU data vector. Used in the definition of MimuDataStruct
 Rhas_acclCheck that the type T has accelerometer vector data at one of the expected interfaces
 Rhas_gyroCheck that the type T has gyroscope vector data at one of the expected interfaces
 Rhas_magnCheck that the type T has magnetometer vector data at one of the expected interfaces
 RMimuDataStructCheck that the type T has accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer data at one of the expected interfaces
 RMimuComponentCheck that the type T has an outputs struct that is a MIMU data structure whose vectors satisfy the constraints of ClearableFlag