No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 C_element_type< T >
 CarrayA multi-dimensional numeric endpoint with user customizeable range and persistent value semantics
 Carray_messageA multi-dimensional numeric endpoint with user customizeable range and occasional message semantics
 Cauthor_Document the author of an entity, e.g. a component or binding
 CbngA semantically value-less endpoint that signals an event
 CbuttonA two-state integer endpoint with occasional message semantics
 Ccopyright_Document the copyright statement of an entity, e.g. a component or binding
 Cdate_Document a textual description of the date when an entity was released, e.g. a component or binding
 Cdescription_Document a textual description of an entity, e.g. an endpoint, component or binding
 Cdesigner_Document the designer of an entity, if different from the author, e.g. designer of an instrument vs author of the firmware
 Cemail_Document the author's contact email of an entity, e.g. a component or binding
 Cexternal_destinations_subroutine_reflectionDefault case for external destinations subroutine reflection where the subroutine does not exist
 Cexternal_destinations_subroutine_reflection< T >External destinations subroutine reflection for a method of the same name
 Cexternal_sources_subroutine_reflectionDefault case for external sources subroutine reflection where the subroutine does not exist
 Cexternal_sources_subroutine_reflection< T >External sources subroutine reflection for a method of the same name
 Cfunction_arg_listA trivial type list struct for carrying function argument type lists
 Cfunction_type_reflection< Ret(*)(Args...)>
 Cfunction_type_reflection< Ret(Args...)>
 Cfunction_type_reflection< Ret(Class::*)(Args...) const >
 Cfunction_type_reflection< Ret(Class::*)(Args...) const noexcept >
 Cfunction_type_reflection< Ret(Class::*)(Args...) const volatile >
 Cfunction_type_reflection< Ret(Class::*)(Args...) const volatile noexcept >
 Cfunction_type_reflection< Ret(Class::*)(Args...) noexcept >
 Cfunction_type_reflection< Ret(Class::*)(Args...) volatile >
 Cfunction_type_reflection< Ret(Class::*)(Args...) volatile noexcept >
 Cfunction_type_reflection< Ret(Class::*)(Args...)>
 Cinit_subroutine_reflectionDefault case for init subroutine reflection where the init subroutine does not exist
 Cinit_subroutine_reflection< T >Init subroutine reflection for a method called "init"
 Cis_tuple< tpl::tuple< Ts... > >
 Clicense_Document the copyright license of an entity, e.g. a component or binding
 Cmain_subroutine_reflectionDefault case for main subroutine reflection where the main subroutine does not exist
 Cmain_subroutine_reflection< T >Main subroutine reflection for function call operator; this takes precedence over a method called "main"
 Cname_Document the name of an entity, e.g. an endpoint, component, or binding
 Cnum_literalA wrapper around a numeric literal that enables using floats as template parameters
 CoccasionalWrapper around a type T with optional-like semantics and persistent state
 CpersistentA wrapper around a value-like type
 Crange_Document the expected minimum, maximum, and initial value of an endpoint
 CRuntimeWrapper for a component assemblage that calls init and main of all subcomponents that aren't parts
 CsliderA numeric endpoint with user customizeable range and persistent value semantics
 Cslider_messageA numeric endpoint with user customizeable range and occasional value semantics
 Cstring_literalA wrapper around a string lteral that enables using strings as template parameters
 Ctag_session_dataSession data tag helper
 Ctag_write_onlyWrite only tag helper
 Ctagged_Apply the tag helpers classes Tags to an entity, especially an endpoint
 CtextA text string endpoint with persistent value semantics
 Ctext_messageA text string endpoint with occasional message semantics
 Cto_arg_pack< Component, ComponentContainer, FuncRefl >
 CtoggleA two-state integer endpoint with persistent value semantics
 Cunit_Document a textual description of the unit of measurement used by an entity, especially an endpoint
 Cuuid_Document an unambiguous unique identifier for the type of an entity e.g. a component or binding
 Cvec3_messageA MIMU data vector
 Cversion_Document a textual description of the version number of an entity, e.g. a component or binding