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sygac-endpoints: Endpoint Concepts

Copyright 2023 Travis J. West,, Input Devices and Music Interaction Laboratory (IDMIL), Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology (CIRMMT), McGill University, Montréal, Canada, and Univ. Lille, Inria, CNRS, Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 CRIStAL, F-59000 Lille, France

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

Although many components of digital musical instruments are commonly employed across different designs, their implementation and representation in computer programs tends to vary in incompatible ways. In helpers/endpoints.lili we have defined a particular set of helper classes that allow components and endpoints to be conveniently annotated with useful metadata that can guide binding authors in how to interpret these entities. This document describes a set of abstract concepts that components and endpoints are expected to adhere to, as well as providing generic subroutines that allow the signals and metadata from these entities to be accessed, even when the underlying representation of this information may vary. It is recommended to read this document second, after helpers/endpoints.lili.

In the interminable future, we can imagine that the whole music technology community might band together to define a set of standard concepts that are used to build digital musical applications, enabling widespread compatibility between implementations of components and runtime environments. We aspire towards this goal, but acknowledge the limited time and resources available to this project's development, and compromise on the goal of totally generic compatibility for the sake of completing other necessary objectives with the available resources. This means that the concepts and accessors defined here are expected to be fairly minimal, and the only representations that they are intended to support as those used in this project. Nevertheless, these reprsentations are developed with widespread applicability in mind, and it is hoped that the overall approach can still demonstrate the advantages of this generic component-oriented development model.

Information Representations

As discussed in endpoints.lili, there are three main methods of associating information with an endpoint or component: through its member functions, through its member variables, and through its member types (including enumerations). In all three cases, the format of the information is as boundless as what can be represented by a C++ structure with its own methods, data, and types. However, in most practical cases, it is sufficient to use methods and enumerators, and their the names of these things within a class. Further, of all the built in types available, in most cases it suffices to use only string literals, signed and unsigned integers of 32 or 64 bits, floats, doubles, and booleans, returned from methods. For a few common special cases, it makes sense to use structures of the above types, and it is also helpful to make use of std::optional as described in endpoints.lili. For our purposes, we focus on these resources. Eventually, it will be useful to augment the above with complex numbers, vectors, and even matrices and tensors as primitive types, as well as function objects and other means of passing around subroutines and the thread of execution. But as a starting point, the basic representations described are enough to achieve a great deal of useful work.

Spelling Convention

As concepts are a relatively new addition to C++, there aren't necessarily as strong conventions established for their typography. Here we adopt the following approximate rules of thumb: A concept that establishes a type T as having a certain property is written in lower snake case, e.g. has_name<T>. A concept that establishes T as being alike to certain other type or typical API is written the same, e.g. tuple_like. Finally, if a concept establishes that a certain T is, for all intents and purposes, an instance of a certain sort of object, we use camel case, as in OccasionalValue or Component. As in the rest of the project, a trailing (or leading, but this should be changed to trailing) underscore is used to signify a private implementation detail that the user should likely not access.


  • has a: has_name
  • alike: tuple_like
  • is a: PersistentValue
  • private: not_yours_

Name and Other Text

Accessors for names and other textual metadata are defined in concepts/metadata.lili


A range is represented by a structure with min, max, and init member variables of the same underlying type. An entity is considered to have a range if it possesses a static member function that returns such a structure. The use of std::decay_t and the accessor subroutines follow the logic seen in the previous section.

// @+'concepts'
template<typename T>
concept has_range = requires
template<has_range T>
constexpr auto get_range(const T&) { return T::range(); }
template<has_range T>
_consteval auto get_range() { return std::decay_t<T>::range(); }
// @/
// @+'tests'
struct struct_with_range : range_<0, 127> {};
struct struct_with_init : range_<0.0f, 100.0f, 42.0f> {};
TEST_CASE("sygaldry has_range", "[components][concepts][has_range]")
struct_with_range foo{};
REQUIRE(get_range(foo).min == 0);
REQUIRE(get_range(foo).max == 127);
REQUIRE(get_range(foo).init == 0);
REQUIRE(get_range<struct_with_range>().min == 0);
REQUIRE(get_range<struct_with_range>().max == 127);
REQUIRE(get_range<struct_with_range>().init == 0);
auto r1 = get_range(foo);
auto r2 = get_range<struct_with_range>();
auto& bar = foo;
REQUIRE(get_range(bar).min == 0);
REQUIRE(get_range(bar).max == 127);
REQUIRE(get_range(bar).init == 0);
REQUIRE(get_range<struct_with_range&>().min == 0);
REQUIRE(get_range<struct_with_range&>().max == 127);
REQUIRE(get_range<struct_with_range&>().init == 0);
auto r3 = get_range(bar);
auto r4 = get_range<struct_with_range&>();
const auto& baz = foo;
REQUIRE(get_range(baz).min == 0);
REQUIRE(get_range(baz).max == 127);
REQUIRE(get_range(baz).init == 0);
REQUIRE(get_range<struct_with_range&>().min == 0);
REQUIRE(get_range<struct_with_range&>().max == 127);
REQUIRE(get_range<struct_with_range&>().init == 0);
auto r5 = get_range(baz);
auto r6 = get_range<const struct_with_range&>();
// @/

Persistent Values

A persistent value is one that should remain the same between invocations of a component's main subroutine. For now, we assume that a persistent value endpoint will be implemented such that is has a value variable or method that returns something that has a type that the endpoint can be treated as an instance of due to its conversion and assignment operators.

We first model the notion that an endpoint can be treated as an instance of its value type with the concept similar_to, which asserts that for an endpoint type T with value type Y, T can be converted to a Y, initialized from one, or assigned from one, and that the result of said assignment can be used to assign another endoint of the same type.

We could just as well have used the standard concepts convertible_to, constructible_from, and assignable_from, but these make more strict assertions that don't necessarily align with every hack and workaround that component authors may use to meet the described requirements. For instance, the fact that assignment operators are inherited from the persistent<T> base class helper in the endpoint helpers defined in endpoints.lili is in violation of the requirements of assignable_from, which requires the assignment to T to return a reference to T (and not one of its bases).

Indeed, the stated requirements are even perhaps too strict for our purposes. We are willing to fly fast and loose here, so our final similar_to concept also ignores any cv-ref qualifications on the types it checks. This makes it easier to use the concept with decltype, which in a function will faithfully report the cv-ref qualifications of an argument type even if those break our concepts.

We check the validity of our concept by making sure that a float is similar to a float, and that a const char * is not.

// @+'concepts'
template <typename T, typename Y>
concept strict_similar_to
= requires (T t) { static_cast<Y>(t); }
&& requires (Y y) { T{y}; }
&& requires (T t, Y y) { t = y; }
&& requires (T a, T b, Y c) { a = b = c; }
template<typename T, typename Y>
concept similar_to = strict_similar_to<std::remove_cvref_t<T>, std::remove_cvref_t<Y>>;
// @/
// @+'persistent value tests'
static_assert(similar_to<float, float>);
static_assert(similar_to<float&, float>);
static_assert(similar_to<const float&, float>);
static_assert(similar_to<float&&, float>);
static_assert(not similar_to<const char *, float>);
static_assert(not similar_to<const char *, int>);
static_assert(not similar_to<float, const char *>);
static_assert(not similar_to<int, const char *>);
// @/

Recalling our earlier summary, we say that an endpoint has a value if it has a member variable value or a member function value() whose return type the endpoint can be treated as an instance of. We additionally require that persistent values be default initializable, e.g. so that binding authors do not have to fuss over passing such values any constructor arguments.

// @+'concepts'
template <typename T>
concept has_value_variable = requires (T t)
requires similar_to<T, decltype(t.value)>;
template <typename T>
concept has_value_method = requires (T t)
requires similar_to<T, decltype(t.value())>;
template <typename T>
concept PersistentValue
= has_value_variable<T> || has_value_method<T>
&& std::default_initializable<std::remove_cvref_t<T>>;
// @/
// @+'tests'
TEST_CASE("sygaldry PersistentValue", "[components][concepts][PersistentValue]")
@{persistent value tests}
static_assert(has_value_variable<const persistent<float>&>);
static_assert(has_value_variable<const slider<"foo">&>);
SECTION("persistent<T> produces persistent values")
static_assert(PersistentValue<const persistent<float>&>);
SECTION("PersistentValues are similar to their value type")
static_assert(similar_to<persistent<float>, float>);
static_assert(similar_to<persistent<float>&, float>);
static_assert(similar_to<const persistent<float>&, float>);
static_assert(similar_to<persistent<float>&&, float>);
// @/

Occasional Values

An endpoint is considered to be an occasional value if it has pointer semantics and can be initialized by an instance of its value type, such as a std::optional. We also rely on a definition that we will examine later when we define concepts for our bang type.

Note that occasional values are not values in the sense defined above. They do not behave as though they are instances of their value type, since their current state is meant to be checked before accessing their values.

// @+'concepts'
template<typename T>
concept _occasional_value = requires (T t)
*t = *t;
} && Flag<T>;
template<typename T>
concept OccasionalValue = _occasional_value<T> || _occasional_value<std::decay_t<T>>;
// @/
// @+'tests'
TEST_CASE("sygaldry OccasionalValue", "[components][concepts][OccasionalValue]")
// @/


Our bang concept essentially just checks that the type has an enum value called bang in its scope, and that it is a flag, a concept we also required for our OccasionalValue concept.

// @+'concepts'
template<typename T>
concept Bang = requires (T t)
requires std::is_enum_v<decltype(T::bang)>;
} && Flag<T>;
// @/
// @+'tests'
TEST_CASE("sygaldry Bang", "[components][concepts][Bang]")
// @/


The Flag concept represents a value that is only occasionally updated and needs to signal that it has been updated. Components that expect such values can act depending on whether they have been updated in a given runtime tick, and the runtime is expected to clear the flags at the end of each tick.

We initially required that we could convert a flag type to bool, and that the boolean interpretation of a default constructed value of the type is false. This is true of std::optional, bool, and also pointer types. We assumed that by assigning a value of this type to a default-constructed value that we could set its boolean interpretation to false.

This turned out to be overly simple, as detailed in the design of the occasional template in sygah-endpoints: Endpoints Helpers. It becomes a burden for the design of the endpoint helpers to have to propagate behavior through constructors, and conversion to bool also becomes ambiguous in cases where an endpoint should have value semantics with an underlying value type that can be implicitly converted to bool. We added a concept UpdatedFlag that reflects the API of our current occasional endpoint helper.

// @='flag'
template<typename T>
concept BoolishFlag = requires (T t)
t = T{}; // this is expected to be false when converted to bool
template<typename T>
concept UpdatedFlag = requires (T t)
requires std::same_as<bool, decltype(t.updated)>;
template<typename T> concept Flag = BoolishFlag<T> || UpdatedFlag<T>;
// @/

For a flag to be considered Clearable, we require that it model OccasionalValue or Bang; these are presently the only supported types with event-like semantics, and that should therefore be cleared by the platform. The ClearableFlag mechanism support binding authors in detecting and serving this requirement. A client using e.g. the bng endpoint helper may prefer to use a different, perhaps more expressive, method of clearing its state. But for a binding author, it's useful to have a way to clear a flag without having to know anything about it other than that it is a valid flag.

When generically clearing a flag, we first check if it is an UpdatedFlag; this is important, since the UpdatedFlag concept is not mutually exclusive with the BoolishFlag concept (an UpdatedFlag may also be a BoolishFlag e.g. if the type has value semantics with an underlying value type that can be converted to bool), but has a very different API for being cleared. Similarly for checking the state of the flag, and for setting it.

// @+'concepts'
template<typename T>
concept ClearableFlag = Flag<T> && (OccasionalValue<T> || Bang<T>);
template<ClearableFlag T>
constexpr void clear_flag(T& t)
if constexpr (UpdatedFlag<T>) t.updated = false;
else if constexpr (BoolishFlag<T>) t = T{};
template<ClearableFlag T>
constexpr bool flag_state_of(T& t)
if constexpr (UpdatedFlag<T>) return t.updated;
else if constexpr (BoolishFlag<T>) return bool(t);
template<ClearableFlag T>
constexpr void set_flag(T& t)
if constexpr (UpdatedFlag<T>) t.updated = true;
else if constexpr (BoolishFlag<T>) t = true;
// @/
// @+'tests'
TEST_CASE("sygaldry sygac-endpoints ClearableFlag")
static_assert(not ClearableFlag<bool>);
static_assert(not ClearableFlag<float*>);
static_assert(not ClearableFlag<persistent<bool>>);
bng<"foo"> flag{true};
REQUIRE(not flag_state_of(flag));
occasional<float> flag = 100.0f;
REQUIRE(not flag_state_of(flag));
// @/

Value Access

In case the accepted implementations of the above value types even changes, we encourage binding authors to access values using the following generic subroutines. value_of returns an appropriately const qualified reference to the value of an endpoint, allowing the binding author to read and write the value. To allow setting of OccasionalValues that don't already have a value, set_value is provided, which handles OccasionalValues appropriately and is also usable with PersistentValues.

// @+'tests'
TEST_CASE("sygaldry Value Access", "[components][concepts][value_of][clear_flag]")
persistent<float> v{100.0f};
REQUIRE(value_of(v) == 100.0f);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<float, value_t<decltype(v)>>);
const persistent<float> cv{100.0f};
REQUIRE(value_of(cv) == 100.0f);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<float, value_t<decltype(cv)>>);
persistent<string> s{"hello world"};
REQUIRE(value_of(s) == string("hello world"));
static_assert(std::is_same_v<string, value_t<decltype(s)>>);
occasional<float> v = 100.0f;
REQUIRE(value_of(v) == 100.0f);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<float, value_t<decltype(v)>>);
const occasional<float> cv = 100.0f;
REQUIRE(value_of(cv) == 100.0f);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<float, value_t<decltype(cv)>>);
occasional<string> s{"hello world"};
REQUIRE(value_of(s) == string("hello world"));
static_assert(std::is_same_v<string, value_t<decltype(s)>>);
SECTION("set via value_of")
persistent<float> v = 100.0f;
value_of(v) = 200.0f;
REQUIRE(value_of(v) == 200.0f);
occasional<float> v = 100.0f;
value_of(v) = 200.0f;
REQUIRE(value_of(v) == 200.0f);
persistent<float> v = 100.0f;
set_value(v, 200.0f);
REQUIRE(value_of(v) == 200.0f);
occasional<string> s{"hello world"};
set_value(s, "value changed");
REQUIRE(value_of(s) == string("value changed"));
static_assert(std::is_same_v<string, value_t<decltype(s)>>);
occasional<float> v = {};
REQUIRE(not flag_state_of(v));
set_value(v, 200.0f);
REQUIRE(value_of(v) == 200.0f);
SECTION("array_like value (set from array value)")
occasional<std::array<float,3>> v = {};
REQUIRE(not flag_state_of(v));
set_value(v, std::array<float,3>{5.0f,6.0f,7.0f});
REQUIRE(value_of(v)[0] == 5);
SECTION("array_like value (set from element value)")
occasional<std::array<float,3>> v = {};
REQUIRE(not flag_state_of(v));
set_value(v, 5.0f);
REQUIRE(value_of(v)[0] == 5);
// @/

We define a new concept Value as the union of occasional and persistent values. The value_of subroutine itself is reasonably straightforward given the above concepts. The only thing that might be surprising is that the const version of the function is implemented in terms of the non-const version. This is considered a reasonable and idiomatic way of avoiding repeating ourselves, but we should remain suspicious of this function in case our assumptions about const-correctness ever seem to be violated. This is unlikely to ever be an issue though.

The set_value function requires a special case to handle setting an array from a single value; this is required e.g. to be able to initialize an array uniformly from a single initial value. The means of catching this case relies on the assumption that array values have a fill function such as is provided by std::array.

// @+'concepts'
template <typename T>
concept has_value = OccasionalValue<T> || PersistentValue<T>;
template <has_value T>
auto& value_of(T& v)
static_assert(PersistentValue<T> || OccasionalValue<T>, "value_of: Neither PersistentValue nor OccasionalValue. Did we add a new kind?");
if constexpr (PersistentValue<T>)
static_assert(has_value_variable<T> || has_value_method<T>, "value_of: PersistentValue with no method or variable. Did we add a new kind?");
if constexpr (has_value_variable<T>) return v.value;
else if constexpr (has_value_method<T>) return v.value();
else return 0;
else if constexpr (OccasionalValue<T>)
return *v;
else return 0;
template<has_value T>
const auto& value_of(const T& v)
return value_of(const_cast<T&>(v));
template <has_value T>
auto& set_value(T& v, const auto& arg)
if constexpr (requires {value_of(v).fill(arg);})
if constexpr (ClearableFlag<T>) set_flag(v);
else v = arg;
return v;
// @/

Value Reflection

As well as numerical values, we also have helpers for string values and single-dimensional arrays of values. We provide a basic concept to help identify them. We consider a value to be string_like if we can assign to it from a string literal. We consider a value to be array_like if the endpoint's value is subscriptable, it has a (presumed _consteval) static method size() that returns a std::size_t. Dynamically sized arrays are not currently supported.

// @+'concepts'
template<has_value T>
using value_t = std::remove_cvref_t<decltype(value_of(std::declval<T&>()))>;
template<typename T> concept string_like = requires (T t, const char * s)
t = s;
template<typename T> concept array_like = not string_like<T> && requires (T t)
} && std::same_as<std::remove_cvref_t<decltype(std::tuple_size_v<T>)>, std::size_t>;
template<array_like T>
_consteval auto size()
return std::tuple_size_v<T>;
template<typename T> struct _element_type {};
template<typename T> requires (array_like<value_t<T>>)
struct _element_type<T>
using type = std::remove_cvref_t<decltype(std::declval<T>()[0])>;
template<typename T> requires (has_value<T> && not array_like<value_t<T>>)
struct _element_type<T> { using type = value_t<T>; };
template<has_value T> using element_t = typename _element_type<T>::type;
// @/
// @+'tests'
static_assert(string_like<value_t<text<"a text">>>);
static_assert(string_like<value_t<text_message<"a text message">>>);
static_assert(array_like<value_t<array<"an array", 3>>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<element_t<array<"an array", 3>>, float>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<element_t<slider<"a slider">>, value_t<slider<"a slider">>>);
static_assert(not array_like<value_t<slider<"a slider">>>);
static_assert(not array_like<value_t<text<"a text">>>);
// @/


We can introduce arbitrary symbols into the scope of a class through a bare enum declaration e.g. enum { bang };. We provide accessors for checking if a symbol with a known meaning is defined in a class's scope.

// @+'concepts'
#define tagged(TAG) template<typename T> concept tagged_##TAG\
= std::is_enum_v<decltype(T::TAG)>\
|| std::is_enum_v<typename T::TAG>
tagged(write_only); // don't display or output this endpoint's value
tagged(session_data); // store this endpoint's value across sessions, e.g. across power cycles on an embedded system
#undef tagged
// @/

Initial Values

As seen above, some endopints have a range that includes their minimum, maximum, and initial values. The following function provides a generic way to set an endpoint to its initial value.

// @+'concepts'
template<typename T>
void initialize_endpoint(T& ep)
if constexpr (not has_range<T>) return;
else set_value(ep, get_range(ep).init);
// @/


// @#'sygac-endpoints.hpp'
#pragma once
Copyright 2023 Travis J. West,, Input Devices and Music
Interaction Laboratory (IDMIL), Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music
Media and Technology (CIRMMT), McGill University, Montréal, Canada, and Univ.
Lille, Inria, CNRS, Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 CRIStAL, F-59000 Lille, France
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <concepts>
#include "sygah-consteval.hpp"
namespace sygaldry {
// @/
// @#'sygac-endpoints.test.cpp'
Copyright 2023 Travis J. West,, Input Devices and Music
Interaction Laboratory (IDMIL), Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music
Media and Technology (CIRMMT), McGill University, Montréal, Canada, and Univ.
Lille, Inria, CNRS, Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 CRIStAL, F-59000 Lille, France
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
#include <string_view>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <optional>
#include "sygah-metadata.hpp"
#include "sygah-endpoints.hpp"
#include "sygac-endpoints.hpp"
using namespace sygaldry;
using std::string_view;
using std::string;
// @/
# @#'CMakeLists.txt'
set(lib sygac-endpoints)
add_library(${lib} INTERFACE)
target_include_directories(${lib} INTERFACE .)
target_link_libraries(${lib} INTERFACE sygah-consteval)
add_executable(${lib}-test ${lib}.test.cpp)
target_link_libraries(${lib}-test PRIVATE Catch2::Catch2WithMain)
target_link_libraries(${lib}-test PRIVATE ${lib})
target_link_libraries(${lib}-test PRIVATE sygah)
# @/