No Matches
sygah-endpoints: Endpoints Helpers

This document is concerned with providing a convenient means for definine endpoints that adhere to certain concepts. The concepts themselves, along with generic functions for accessing the signals and metadata associated with endpoints, are defined seperately in endpoints/concepts.lili. It is advised to read this document first.

Endpoint Bases

There are many common kinds of endpoints in a digital musical instrument that vary depending on the type of data sent or received from the endpoint and the expected temporal semantics with which that data is sent or received. Some kinds of endpoints are more common than others, so it's convenient to define helper types to allow instances of these endpoints to be instantiated easily and to ensure consistency between instances of similar endpoints.

Similarly, certain forms of metadata are shared across numerous different types of endpoint. Metadata associated with endpoints can be used to guide binding authors towards the intended interpretation of a component. Some metadata are required, others are optional.

Considering Avendish as a point of reference, we can identify three different physical (i.e. C++ source code-level) mechanisms for associating metadata with a type. There are compile-time methods, such as a static _consteval auto name() method that returns the epynomous label. There are sub-types with standardized names and structures, such as a struct range with members min, max, and init. And there are other names within the scope of the endpoint (or component?) such as those introduced by a bare enum declaration, or a using declared type alias.

Here we rely mainly on function calls, as this allows metadata and other common features of endpoints to be composed through inheritance. This provides a convenient declarative method for users to define their own endpoint types by combining the basic building blocks themselves. In general, users are anticipated to use the higher-level helpers and not the base classs, but the latter remain available for users spinning up a custom type of endpoint. In general, these helpers can also be used with components, e.g. struct mycomponent : name_<"Lowpass Filter"> or what have you.

Note that there is no problem with inheritance for endpoints or components, but collections of endpoints such as the inputs and outputs structures of a component are not allowed to have base classes. Such collections must be simple aggregates in order to work with boost::pfr, which is our chosen reflection method for the time being. The endpoints within these aggregates, however, have no such restrictions, so component authors are, in principle, free to employ whatever design methods they prefer for endpoints. Indeed, even a bare float or similar is perfectly allowed, although it is challenging to associate metadata with such an endpoint.

Name and Other Text

Names and other textual metadata are addressed in the metadata helpers document.

Range and Initial Value

Many endpoints have a fixed range, such as the integral 0 to 127 of MIDI control change messages. For compatibility with Avendish, we consider a default initial value to be a part of the range of an endpoint, although arguably the initial value should be seperate. Similar to the name_ class, we define a helper class that endpoints can inherit to specify their range.

Ideally, we would like to specify initial values and the minimum and maximum boundaries of the range as non-type template parameters, e.g. struct myendpoint : range_<0.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f>. Unfortunately, many compilers such as clang still do not support floating point numbers as non-type template parameters.

So it was that after going through several possible solutions–

struct myendpoint : range_<0.0f, 1.0f> {} // compiler error with clang
struct myendpoint : range_<{0.0f, 1.0f}> {} // init list is not an expression
struct myendpoint : range_<range{0.0f, 1.0f} {}; // redundant and ugly
struct myendpoint : with<range{0.0f, 1.0f} {}; // not bad, but we can do better

–it occurred to me while proofreading the metadata helpers that the same strategy could likely be employed with numbers as well as strings. Although this is redundant for integral types, which are allowed in template parameters, it's a minor tradeoff to accept both floats and integers in order to have a single way of annotating a range. This gives us the ideal syntax in a way that doesn't upset clang.

// @+'endpoint bases'
template<typename T> requires std::integral<T> || std::floating_point<T>
struct num_literal
using type = T;
T value;
_consteval num_literal(T f) : value{f} {}
operator T() {return value;}
// @/
// @+'endpoint bases'
template<num_literal _min, num_literal _max, num_literal _init = _min>
struct range_
static _consteval auto range()
struct {
decltype(_min.value) min = _min.value;
decltype(_max.value) max = _max.value;
decltype(_init.value) init = _init.value;
} r;
return r;
static _consteval auto min() { return _min.value; }
static _consteval auto max() { return _max.value; }
static _consteval auto init() { return _init.value; }
// @/
// @+'tests'
struct struct_with_range : range_<0, 127> {};
struct struct_with_init : range_<0.0f, 100.0f, 42.0f> {};
TEST_CASE("sygaldry Range", "[endpoints][bases][range]")
SECTION("With range")
REQUIRE(struct_with_range::range().min == 0);
REQUIRE(struct_with_range::range().max == 127);
REQUIRE(struct_with_range::range().init == 0);
SECTION("With init")
REQUIRE(struct_with_init::range().init == 42.0f);
// @/

Persistent Values

An endpoint that has a persistent value across activations of a component is well modelled by storing the value as a persistent member variable. It's convenient to store this inside a struct to enable metadata to be associated with the value in the form of compile-time evaluated methods, types, and enumerators, but this makes accessing the value of the variable cumbersome, as in e.g. outputs.parameter.value = inputs.parameter.value. To ease this discomfort, we wish to provide conversion and assignment operators so that an instance of a value class can be treated directly as though it were the value itself rather than a container for it, while also retaining the benefit of providing a convenient containment point for metadata. We then wish for our helpers to inherit these operators to provide the value semantics to instantiations of the helpers.

Unfortunately, assignment operators in particular are tricky to inherit due to C++'s automatically generated default assignment operators, which shadow the explicitly defined ones on our persistent value base class. We can explictly draw in the base class's assignment into the derived class with a using declaration in public scope, e.g. using persistent<T>::operator=, but then assignment to the derived class would return a reference to the base class.

Another issue with conversion and assignment operators is that they should ideally be defined differently depending on whether the value type is trivial or not; in case of trivial value type, it's likely cheaper not to define move semantics, and to assign by copy instead of reference, whereas more complex containers may benefit from having these.

For now we accept the tradeoffs of inherited assignment operators and ignore the performance optimizations associated with trivial types.

// @+'endpoint bases'
template <typename T>
struct persistent
using type = T;
T value;
constexpr persistent() noexcept : value{} {}
// convert from T
constexpr persistent(T&& t) noexcept {value = std::move(t);}
constexpr persistent(const T& t) noexcept : value{t} {}
constexpr auto& operator=(T&& t) noexcept {value = std::move(t); return *this;}
constexpr auto& operator=(const T& t) noexcept {value = t; return *this;}
// convert to T
constexpr operator T&() noexcept {return value;}
constexpr operator const T&() const noexcept {return value;}
// @/
// @+'tests'
struct persistent_struct : persistent<int> {using persistent<int>::operator=;};
TEST_CASE("sygaldry Persistent Value", "[endpoints][helpers][persistent]")
auto s = persistent_struct{42};
REQUIRE(s == 42);
s = 88;
REQUIRE(s == 88);
// @/

Occasional Values

Sometimes updating a value should initiate activation of the processor, and sometimes the processor outputs values that should be propagated immediately. A convenient way to represent this, seen in Avendish, is using std::optional to represent the temporal semantics of these updates. The platform is expected to clear std::optional valued endpoints before activating a component so that it can signal hot outputs and recognize hot inputs. Afterwards, the platform is expected to inspect hot outputs and take appropriate action if any are present. An important consequence of this semantics is that, unlike a persistent value endpoint, the state of hot outputs is not expected to be unaltered by the platform across invocations of a component, and so cannot be used to carry state across invocations as with a persistent value endpoint.

Initially, we chose to wholesale subsume std::optional by defining our occasional value class as an alias for the former. There were good reasons not to do this, not least of all that it gave us no control over the API for our optional values, but it was a lowly hack that got us moving on quickly. However, the semantics just described, where the value of an occasional output vanishes between invocations of the associated component, proved to be more inconvenient than anticipated. For example, in the button gesture model, the output state is meant to reflect the debounced state of the button. In order to recognize when the input state has changed, it needs to be compared with the output. Since an occasional value implemented as std::optional has its state cleared in between calls, this kind of comparison is not possible.

To support this kind of usage, in addition to the value of the endpoint, we store a boolean flag that reflects whether the value has been updated. We then implement std::optional-like semantics around these data members. So the interpretation is not that our occasional type "occasionally has a value", but that it "has a value that is occasionally updated."

Given this, we might also allow our occasional value type to be converted freely to the type of its underlying value, giving it value semantics. Although this makes it ill-formed to have an occasional<bool>, we might consider it an acceptable tradeoff for the convenience of accessing the underlying value of the endpoint directly by its name. We initially chose to utilize this strategy. Unfortunately, after an update to GCC at some point, the conversion path to bool chosen by the compiler (for reasons that remain mysterious) changed from occasional<T> -> operator bool() -> bool to occasional<T> -> operator T() -> built-in conversion to bool -> bool, meaning for numeric types that have a built-in conversion to bool, the user-defined conversion to bool was being ignored leading to incorrect interpretation of whether the endpoint was recently updated. In hindsight it is clear that this ambiguity was present from the beginning. Indeed, if our occasional type has value semantics and wraps any underlying T that can be implicitly converted to bool, then treating it directly as a boolean is ambiguous.

There were two options to resolve this ambiguity: either require the boolean state of the endpoint to be accessed explicitly, or require its underlying value to be accessed explicitly. Since the former is almost exclusively accessed by bindings, and thus the explicit access can be insulated by a concept/generic function, we chose to break from std::optional's API and require the boolean state of our occasional type to be accessed via its boolean updated member. This allows us to keep value semantics (only used by component authors), which is much more convenient.

Arguably the full std::optional-like interface is poorly matched to our intention here, since it implies "occasionally has a value". We retain it nevertheless with the as-yet untested assumption that doing so will improve the compatibility of our components with Avendish.

// @+'endpoint bases'
template <typename T>
struct occasional
using type = T;
T state;
bool updated;
constexpr occasional() noexcept : state{}, updated{false} {}
constexpr occasional(occasional<T>&& other)
if (other.updated)
state = std::move(other.state);
updated = true;
} else updated = false;
constexpr occasional(const occasional<T>& other)
if (other.updated)
state = other.state;
updated = true;
} else updated = false;
constexpr auto& operator=(occasional<T>&& other)
if (other.updated)
state = std::move(other.state);
updated = true;
} else updated = false;
return *this;
constexpr auto& operator=(const occasional<T>& other)
if (other.updated)
state = other.state;
updated = true;
} else updated = false; // keep current value
return *this;
// convenience access by conversion to underlying type; value semantics
constexpr operator T&() noexcept {return state;}
constexpr operator const T&() const noexcept {return state;}
// optional-like semantics
constexpr occasional(T&& t) noexcept : state{std::move(t)}, updated{true} {}
constexpr occasional(const T& t) noexcept : state{t}, updated{true} {}
constexpr auto& operator=(T&& t) noexcept {state = std::move(t); updated = true; return *this;}
constexpr auto& operator=(const T& t) noexcept {state = t; updated = true; return *this;}
constexpr T& operator *() noexcept {return state;}
constexpr const T& operator *() const noexcept {return state;}
constexpr T* operator ->() noexcept {return &state;}
constexpr const T* operator ->() const noexcept {return &state;}
constexpr T& value() noexcept {return state;}
constexpr const T& value() const noexcept {return state;}
constexpr void reset() noexcept {updated = false;} // maintains current state
// @/
// @+'tests'
struct occasional_struct : occasional<int> { using occasional<int>::operator=; };
TEST_CASE("sygaldry sygah-endpoints Occasional Value")
static_assert(occasional_struct{}.updated == false);
auto s = occasional_struct{42};
CHECK(s.updated == true);
CHECK(*s == 42);
*s = 88;
CHECK(*s == 88);
CHECK(s.updated == true);
s = occasional_struct{};
CHECK(s.updated == false);
// @/


We can introduce arbitrary symbols into the scope of a class through a bare enum declaration e.g. enum { bang }; or enum class bang {};. Our bindings can then be designed to look for such symbols, e.g. if constexpr (requires {endpoint::bang;}) { ... } and behave depending on their presence or absence. Although it's easy enough to add such a tag when defining a custom endpoint, the following helpers are provided which attach tags with recognized value within this project. The interpretation is given in the endpoints concepts document;

First we define structures that each have one recognized tag.

// @+'helpers'
#define tag(TAG) struct tag_##TAG {enum {TAG}; }
#undef tag
// @/
#define tag(TAG)
Helper struct for defining recognized tags. This is immediately undefed, so don't try to use it!
Definition sygah-endpoints.hpp:238

Then we define a template class that inherits from all its type arguments:

// @+'helpers'
template<typename ... Tags>
struct tagged_ : Tags... {};
// @/

Our endpoint helpers then inherit the tagged_ class with their own variadic template type argument packs, allowing users to add arbitary combinations of tags to them. The resultant template instantiations inherit the enumerations from the tag classes, allowing this kind of metadata to be readily associated with them.

// @+'tests'
struct tag_foo {enum {foo};};
struct tag_bar {enum {bar};};
template<typename ... Tags>
struct tag_helper_test : tagged_<Tags...> {};
tag_helper_test<> t1; // make sure this compiles
tag_helper_test<tag_foo> t2;
static_assert( == tag_foo::foo);
tag_helper_test<tag_foo, tag_bar> t3;
static_assert( == tag_foo::foo);
static_assert( == tag_bar::bar);
// @/

Basic Endpoints

Given the above ingredients, we now define some basic endpoints composed from them.

// @+'helpers'
template<string_literal name_str, string_literal desc = "", char init = 0, typename ... Tags>
struct button
: occasional<char>
, name_<name_str>
, description_<desc>
, range_<0, 1, init>
, tagged_<Tags...>
using occasional<char>::operator=;
template<string_literal name_str, string_literal desc = "", char init = 0, typename ... Tags>
struct toggle
: persistent<char>
, name_<name_str>
, description_<desc>
, range_<0, 1, init>
, tagged_<Tags...>
using persistent<char>::operator=;
template<string_literal name_str, string_literal desc = "", typename ... Tags>
struct text
: persistent<std::string>
, name_<name_str>
, description_<desc>
, tagged_<Tags...>
using persistent<std::string>::operator=;
template<string_literal name_str, string_literal desc = "", typename ... Tags>
struct text_message
: occasional<std::string>
, name_<name_str>
, description_<desc>
, tagged_<Tags...>
using occasional<std::string>::operator=;
template< string_literal name_str
, string_literal desc = ""
, typename T = float
, num_literal<T> min = 0.0f
, num_literal<T> max = 1.0f
, num_literal<T> init = min
, typename ... Tags
struct slider
: persistent<T>
, name_<name_str>
, description_<desc>
, range_<min, max, init>
, tagged_<Tags...>
using persistent<T>::operator=;
template< string_literal name_str
, string_literal desc = ""
, typename T = float
, num_literal<T> min = 0.0f
, num_literal<T> max = 1.0f
, num_literal<T> init = min
, typename ... Tags
struct slider_message
: occasional<T>
, name_<name_str>
, description_<desc>
, range_<min, max, init>
, tagged_<Tags...>
using occasional<T>::operator=;
template< string_literal name_str
, std::size_t N
, string_literal desc = ""
, typename T = float
, num_literal<T> min = 0.0f
, num_literal<T> max = 1.0f
, num_literal<T> init = min
, typename ... Tags
struct array
: persistent<std::array<T, N>>
, name_<name_str>
, description_<desc>
, range_<min, max, init>
, tagged_<Tags...>
using persistent<std::array<T, N>>::operator=;
using type = T;
constexpr const auto& operator[](std::size_t i) const noexcept
return persistent<std::array<T, N>>::value[i];
constexpr auto& operator[](std::size_t i) noexcept
return persistent<std::array<T, N>>::value[i];
static _consteval auto size() noexcept
return N;
template< string_literal name_str
, std::size_t N
, string_literal desc = ""
, typename T = float
, num_literal<T> min = 0.0f
, num_literal<T> max = 1.0f
, num_literal<T> init = min
, typename ... Tags
struct array_message
: occasional<std::array<T, N>>
, name_<name_str>
, description_<desc>
, range_<min, max, init>
, tagged_<Tags...>
using occasional<std::array<T, N>>::operator=;
using type = T;
constexpr const auto& operator[](std::size_t i) const noexcept
return occasional<std::array<T,N>>::state[i];
constexpr auto& operator[](std::size_t i) noexcept
return occasional<std::array<T,N>>::state[i];
static _consteval auto size() noexcept
return N;
void set_updated() noexcept
occasional<std::array<T,N>>::updated = true;
// @/

As all of the functionality of these endpoints has been tested above where the base classes were defined, we take the opportunity to make sure that our helper endpoints adhere to the expected concepts defined elsewhere rather than redundantly testing their functionality. We also check that our helper endpoints have the expected sizes, equivalent to their value types.

// @+'tests'
TEST_CASE("sygaldry Basic Endpoints", "[endpoints][basic]")
static_assert(OccasionalValue<const button<"foo">&>);
static_assert(PersistentValue<const toggle<"bar">&>);
static_assert(PersistentValue<const slider<"baz">&>);
static_assert(has_range<const button<"foo">&>);
static_assert(has_range<const toggle<"bar">&>);
static_assert(has_range<const slider<"baz">&>);
static_assert(has_name<const button<"foo">&>);
static_assert(has_name<const toggle<"bar">&>);
static_assert(has_name<const slider<"baz">&>);
static_assert(sizeof(button<"foo">) <= sizeof(std::optional<bool>));
static_assert(sizeof(toggle<"baz">) == sizeof(bool));
static_assert(sizeof(slider<"baz">) == sizeof(float));
auto s1 = slider<"baz">{};
auto s2 = slider<"baz">{0.5f};
s2 = 0.0f;
// @/


Often an endpoint doesn't carry any value, but merely serves to convey that an event has occurred. In Max/MSP and Pure Data, this kind of temporal impulsive event without data is called a bang. We adopt the same naming convention here.

A bang could be represented as std::optional of an empty type, but measurements suggest that this actually takes more space than a bool, so we instead opt to treat a persistent value endpoint tagged with the symbol bang as our preferred bang representation; this requires us to give our bang class a different name, but we consider this an acceptable tradeoff.

Another possible approach would be to employ a callback semantics, so that triggering the bang would immediately pass execution to a function registered by the platform. For now, we opt to retain value semantics, despite that callback semantics might allow for a more space efficient implementation. Callback semantics place a greater burden on the binding author that we would prefer to avoid at this point.

// @+'helpers'
template<string_literal name_str, string_literal desc = "", typename ... Tags>
struct bng
: persistent<bool>
, name_<name_str>
, description_<"">
, tagged_<Tags...>
using persistent<bool>::operator=;
enum {bang, impulse};
void operator()() {value = true;}
void reset() {value = false;}
// @/
// @+'tests'
TEST_CASE("sygaldry sygah-endpoints Bang", "[endpoints][bang]")
auto b = bng<"foo">{};
REQUIRE(bool(b) == false);
REQUIRE(value_of(b) == false);
REQUIRE(bool(b) == true);
REQUIRE(value_of(b) == true);
REQUIRE(bool(b) == false);
b = true;
REQUIRE(bool(b) == true);
b = {};
REQUIRE(bool(b) == false);
b = true;
REQUIRE(bool(b) == true);
b = decltype(b){};
REQUIRE(bool(b) == false);
static_assert(sizeof(decltype(b)) == sizeof(bool));
// @/


// @#'sygah-endpoints.hpp'
#pragma once
Copyright 2023 Travis J. West,, Input Devices and Music
Interaction Laboratory (IDMIL), Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music
Media and Technology (CIRMMT), McGill University, Montréal, Canada, and Univ.
Lille, Inria, CNRS, Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 CRIStAL, F-59000 Lille, France
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <string_view>
#include <string>
#include <array>
#include "sygah-consteval.hpp"
#include "sygah-metadata.hpp"
namespace sygaldry {
@{endpoint bases}
} // namespaces
// @/
// @#'sygah-endpoints.test.cpp'
Copyright 2023 Travis J. West,, Input Devices and Music
Interaction Laboratory (IDMIL), Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music
Media and Technology (CIRMMT), McGill University, Montréal, Canada, and Univ.
Lille, Inria, CNRS, Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 CRIStAL, F-59000 Lille, France
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
#include <string_view>
#include <optional>
#include "sygac-metadata.hpp"
#include "sygac-endpoints.hpp"
#include "sygah-endpoints.hpp"
using namespace sygaldry;
using std::string_view;
// @/
# @#'CMakeLists.txt'
set(lib sygah-endpoints)
add_library(${lib} INTERFACE)
target_link_libraries(${lib} INTERFACE sygah-consteval)
target_link_libraries(${lib} INTERFACE sygah-metadata)
target_include_directories(${lib} INTERFACE .)
add_executable(${lib}-test ${lib}.test.cpp)
target_link_libraries(${lib}-test PRIVATE Catch2::Catch2WithMain
PRIVATE sygah-endpoints
PRIVATE sygac-metadata
PRIVATE sygac-endpoints
# @/