No Matches
sygsa-trill_craft: Arduino Trill Craft

Table of Contents

Copyright 2023 Travis J. West,, Input Devices and Music Interaction Laboratory (IDMIL), Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology (CIRMMT), McGill University, Montréal, Canada, and Univ. Lille, Inria, CNRS, Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 CRIStAL, F-59000 Lille, France

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

Trill is a capacitive touch sensing platform by Bela. Several different form factors are available. This document describes the Sygaldry wrapper around the Trill-Arduino library. Trill-Arduino has only a logical dependency on the Arduino API. As such, Trill-Arduino and the following Trill Sygaldry components are physically hardware independent, although they do require the availability of Arduino.h or WProgram.h and Wire.h. The Arduino hack subsystem provides these headers in cases where a first party Arduino library is not available, with platform specific implementations in the relevant subdirectories. See the Arduino hack subsystem documentation for more information.

Currently only one wrapper is provided for Trill Craft, which simply exposes the sensor's 30 touch readings. This is largely adapted from Edu Meneses' implementation for a previous version of the T-Stick firmware.

Trill Craft

// @#'sygsa-trill_craft.hpp'
#pragma once
Copyright 2021-2023 Edu Meneses, Metalab - Société
des Arts Technologiques (SAT), Input Devices and Music Interaction Laboratory
(IDMIL), McGill University
Copyright 2023 Travis J. West,, Input Devices and Music
Interaction Laboratory (IDMIL), Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music
Media and Technology (CIRMMT), McGill University, Montréal, Canada, and Univ.
Lille, Inria, CNRS, Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 CRIStAL, F-59000 Lille, France
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <limits>
#include <cstdint>
#include "sygah-metadata.hpp"
#include "sygah-endpoints.hpp"
namespace sygaldry { namespace sygsa {
struct TrillCraft
: name_<"Trill Craft">
, description_<"A capacitive touch sensor with 30 electrodes to be connected by "
"the user. Operates in DIFF mode only. See "
" "
"for more information on configuration."
, author_<"Edu Meneses, Travis J. West">
, copyright_<"Copyright 2023 Sygaldry Contributors">
, license_<"SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT">
, version_<"0.0.0">
static constexpr unsigned int channels = 30;
struct inputs_t {
// TODO: set baseline, speed and resolution, noise threshold, prescaler
slider_message<"prescaler", "measurement gain adjustment"
, uint8_t, 1, 8, 1
, tag_session_data
> prescaler;
slider_message<"noise threshold", "threshold for ignoring low-level noise"
, uint8_t, 0, 255, 0
, tag_session_data
> noise_threshold;
slider_message<"sampling speed"
, "0 - ultra fast (57 to 2800 us per sensor), "
"3 - slow (205 to 22000 us per sensor). "
"Broad sampling rate adjustment; see also resolution"
, uint8_t, 0, 3, 0
, tag_session_data
> speed;
, "measurement resolution in bits; "
"higher resolutions reduce effective sampling rate"
, uint8_t, 9, 16, 9
, tag_session_data
> resolution;
bng<"update baseline"
, "reset the baseline capacitance based on the current sensor state."
"Avoid touching the sensor while updating the baseline reading."
> update_baseline;
/* NOTE: the IDAC value method provided by the Trill API seems not to be of
any use. According to the datasheet linked from the Bela API documentation
this value is overridden by the firmware by default. So don't worry about
adding an endpoint for setIDACValue()! */
// TODO: autoscan, event pin interrupt
array<"map", channels
, "mapping from raw channel to normalized channel, "
"e.g. if the 0th element in the map is 5, then the 0th raw"
"channel will be written to the normalized channel with index 5."
, int, 0, 29, 0
, tag_session_data
> map;
} inputs;
struct outputs_t {
toggle<"running", "indicates successful connection and polling status"> running;
text_message<"error status", "indicates error conditions"> error_status;
array<"raw", channels
, "unprocessed difference in capacitance with respect to baseline" // Technically not the actual raw measurement, but close enough?
, int, 0, std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), 0
// TOOD: what are the actual minimum and maximum values that can be found?
> raw;
toggle<"any", "indicates presence of any touch"> any;
array<"max seen", channels, "the maximum reading seen"
, int, 0, decltype(raw)::max(), 0
> max_seen;
array<"normalized", channels
, "normalized capacitance reading"
> normalized;
array<"mask", channels, "indicates which electrodes are touched"
, char, 0, 1, 0
> mask;
slider<"instant max", "the maximum normalized reading currently"
, float
> instant_max;
} outputs;
void * pimpl = nullptr;
void init();
void main();
} }
// @/
// @#'sygsa-trill_craft.cpp'
Copyright 2021-2023 Edu Meneses, Metalab - Société
des Arts Technologiques (SAT), Input Devices and Music Interaction Laboratory
(IDMIL), McGill University
Copyright 2023 Travis J. West,, Input Devices and Music
Interaction Laboratory (IDMIL), Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music
Media and Technology (CIRMMT), McGill University, Montréal, Canada, and Univ.
Lille, Inria, CNRS, Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 CRIStAL, F-59000 Lille, France
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "sygsa-trill_craft.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <Trill.h>
namespace sygaldry { namespace sygsa {
void TrillCraft::init()
auto trill = new Trill();
pimpl = static_cast<void*>(trill);
// TODO: initialize *all* input parameters in case there is no session data
bool initialize_map = false;
std::array<bool, channels> channel_indexed{0};
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < channels && !initialize_map; ++i)
if ([i] < 30)
if (channel_indexed[[i]]) initialize_map = true; // channel already indexed
else channel_indexed[[i]] = true;
initialize_map = true;
if (initialize_map) for (std::size_t i = 0; i < channels; ++i)[i] = i;
int setup_return_code = trill->setup(Trill::TRILL_CRAFT);
if (0 != setup_return_code)
outputs.running = false;
// See Trill.cpp for an authoritative source of information
// on the return codes, which are not otherwise documented
switch (setup_return_code)
case -2:
outputs.error_status = "unknown default address";
case 2:
outputs.error_status = "unable to identify device";
case -3:
outputs.error_status = "found unexpected device type";
case -1:
outputs.error_status = "invalid device mode";
outputs.error_status = "unknown error";
else outputs.running = true;
trill->setScanSettings(inputs.speed, inputs.resolution);
void TrillCraft::main()
if (not outputs.running) return; // TODO: try to reconnect every so often
auto trill = static_cast<Trill*>(pimpl);
for (int i=0; i<30; i++) {
if (trill->rawDataAvailable() > 0) {
outputs.raw[i] = trill->rawDataRead();
for (int i = 0; i < channels; i++) {
if (outputs.raw[i] != 0) {
outputs.max_seen[i] = std::max(outputs.max_seen[i], outputs.raw[i]);
outputs.normalized[[i]] = static_cast<float>(outputs.raw[i])
/ static_cast<float>(outputs.max_seen[i]);
outputs.mask[[i]] = true;
} else {
outputs.normalized[[i]] = 0.0f;
outputs.mask[[i]] = false;
outputs.instant_max = *std::max_element(
if (outputs.instant_max == 0.0f) {
outputs.any = 0;
} else {
outputs.any = 1;
// TODO: find a better workaround for this
// we introduce an obnoxious delay before changing settings to ensure the trill is done with any
// reading-related operations that seem to prevent it from changing settings
if (inputs.speed.updated || inputs.resolution.updated)
// note that the Trill arduino library already boundary constrains scan settings
trill->setScanSettings(inputs.speed, inputs.resolution);
// TODO: these delays may not be acceptable in the main loop...
// TODO: we should check and constrain boundary conditions
if (inputs.noise_threshold.updated)
//if (inputs.autoscan_interval.updated) trill->setAutoScanInterval(inputs.autoscan_interval);
if (inputs.prescaler.updated)
if (inputs.resolution.updated || inputs.prescaler.updated || inputs.update_baseline)
for (auto& max : outputs.max_seen.value) max = 0;
} }
// @/
void delay(unsigned long ms)
Definition sygsa-delay.cpp:14

TODO: write tests. And documentation...

# @#'CMakeLists.txt'
set(lib sygsa-trill_craft)
add_library(${lib} INTERFACE)
target_sources(${lib} INTERFACE ${lib}.cpp $ENV{SYGALDRY_ROOT}/dependencies/Trill-Arduino/Trill.cpp)
target_include_directories(${lib} INTERFACE . $ENV{SYGALDRY_ROOT}/dependencies/Trill-Arduino)
target_link_libraries(${lib} INTERFACE sygah)
# @/