No Matches
sygac-runtime: Sygaldry Runtime

Copyright 2023 Travis J. West,, Input Devices and Music Interaction Laboratory (IDMIL), Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology (CIRMMT), McGill University, Montréal, Canada, and Univ. Lille, Inria, CNRS, Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 CRIStAL, F-59000 Lille, France

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

The runtime describes the expected behavior of the host platform of an assemblage of components. The runtime must first call every component's init method, if it has one. Then, in an endless loop, each component's main subroutine must be called, in node-tree-order. Before main subroutines, external input subroutines should be called. After main subroutines, external output subroutines should be called. This sequence of external input, main, external output is termed as a tick. Between ticks, all of the clearable flag endpoints should be cleared appropriately: input flags should be cleared before beginning the tick, and output flags should be cleared after it has resolved. Plugins and throughpoints should be automatically propagated to components that need them by extracting them from the assemblage.

Design Rationale

Originally planned as further overloads of the the init and activate functions in the components concepts library, the runtime class below allows the plugins and throughpoints of components having them to be automatically extracted by type from a component container when calling the init and main methods of components. The decision was made to construct this as a class in order to ensure that the compiler would have the best chance of computing the argument extraction at compile time. It is a kind of ultimate binding that is meant to drive all other components, including binding components. The runtime is included in the concepts library so that components in the components library may make use of it to simplify their implementation using parts, although this is may be unwise at the time of writing due to compile time limitations of the runtime.


The following example illustrates the main requirements of the runtime, including its flag clearing behavior, throughpoint and plugin propagation, and the order of subroutines.

testcomponent1_t has an output bang that should be clear on entry to main every tick. It always activates this bang. testcomponent2_t takes testcomponent1_t's outputs via an input throughpoint, and the whole testcomponent1_t as a plugin component, as declared by testcomponent2_t's main subroutine arguments. It checks that testcomponent1_t's output bang is correctly propagated through the tick, and sets its outputs depending on the state of testcomponent1_t.

The test case verifies that subroutines are called in the expected order, and that flags and values propagate as expected.

// @+'tests'
template<string_literal str>
struct testcomponent1_t : name_<str>
struct inputs_t {
struct in1_t {
int value;
} in1;
} inputs;
struct outputs_t {
struct out1_t {
int value;
} out1;
bng<"bang out"> bang_out;
} outputs;
void init() { inputs.in1.value = 42; }
void main()
outputs.out1.value = inputs.in1.value + 1;
CHECK(false == (bool)outputs.bang_out); // output flags are clear on entry to main
CHECK(true == (bool)outputs.bang_out);
struct testcomponent2_t : name_<"tc2">
struct outputs_t {
struct out1_t {
int value;
} out1;
struct out2_t {
int value;
} out2;
} outputs;
void init() {};
void main(const testcomponent1_t<"tc1">::outputs_t& sources, testcomponent1_t<"tc1">& plugin)
CHECK(true == (bool)plugin.outputs.bang_out); // flags propagate during main tick
outputs.out1.value = sources.out1.value + 1;
outputs.out2.value = plugin.outputs.out1.value + 1;
struct components1_t
testcomponent1_t<"tc1"> tc1;
testcomponent2_t tc2;
struct components2_t
testcomponent1_t<"tc1"> tc1;
// @/
// @+'tests'
constinit components1_t components{};
constexpr auto runtime = Runtime{components};
TEST_CASE("sygaldry runtime calls")
CHECK(runtime.container.tc1.inputs.in1.value == 42); // init routines are called
CHECK(false == (bool)runtime.container.tc1.outputs.bang_out); // out flags are clear after call to tick
CHECK(runtime.container.tc1.outputs.out1.value == 43); // main routines are called
CHECK(runtime.container.tc2.outputs.out1.value == 44); // throughpoints are propagated
CHECK(runtime.container.tc2.outputs.out2.value == 44); // plugins are propagated
// calls proceed in tree order
constinit components2_t components2{};
constexpr auto runtime2 = Runtime{components2};
TEST_CASE("sygaldry runtime one component")
CHECK(runtime2.container.tc1.inputs.in1.value == 42); // init routines are called
CHECK(false == (bool)runtime2.container.tc1.outputs.bang_out); // out flags are clear after call to tick
CHECK(runtime2.container.tc1.outputs.out1.value == 43); // main routines are called
// @/


Extracting Plugins and Components

Arguably the trickiest aspect of the runtime's responsibilities is to recognize what arguments a component's subroutine requires, extract them from the assemblage, and apply them to the subroutine. We would like to ensure that this happens efficiently, meaning without runtime traversal of the component tree derived from the assemblage.

TEST_CASE("sygaldry example test")
components1_t components;
components.tc1.inputs.in1.value = 0;
activate(components.tc2, components); // << this should compile to something like:
// components.tc2.main(components.tc1.outputs, components.tc1);
CHECK(components.tc2.outputs.out1.value == 1);

We'll start by extracting the arguments needed to call just one subroutine (main), and then generalise to include init and eventually other subroutines.

Use a fold

My first attempt resembled the following. We define a template struct whose type parameters give the arguments a component needs for its main subroutine to be activated. In the activate method of this structure, these type parameters are unpacked to into find to locate the entities with the given types in the component tree. This runtime_impl struct is then instantiated with the appropriate arguments using our function reflection facilities and a bit of template metaprogramming provided by mp11.

template<typename ... Args> // Args is a parameter pack corresponding to the arguments of the component main subroutine
struct runtime_impl
template <typename Component, typename ComponentContainer>
static void activate(Component& component, ComponentContainer& container) // user passes the component and the assembly
if constexpr (requires {&Component::operator();})
// we unpack the parameter pack into find calls; resolves to something like a call to the main routine:
// component(arg1, arg2, arg3, ... argN);
component(find<Args>(container) ...);
else if constexpr (requires {&Component::main;})
component.main(find<Args>(container) ...);
template<typename Component, typename ComponentContainer>
void activate(Component& component, ComponentContainer& container)
using args = typename main_subroutine_reflection<Component>::arguments; // get the argument type list
// change from a tuple to a runtime_impl
using runtime = boost::mp11::mp_rename<boost::mp11::mp_transform<std::remove_cvref_t, args>, runtime_impl>;
runtime::activate(component, container);

Traverse at compile time

Unfortunately, the compiler is unable to optimize away the traversal of the component tree implied by the multiple calls to find in this implementation. We need some way of declaring this traversal constexpr, or perhaps constinit. This lead to the following implementation. Roughly the same metaprogramming pattern is used to enable the arguments of the function to be extracted, by expanding a parameter pack with a fold expression over calls to find. However, instead of doing so in a function call context, a tuple is initialized which holds the arguments until call time. So that this traversal can happen at compile time, the constructor that initializes the tuple is declared constexpr.

// @='component_runtime 1 tuple'
// unpack the Args parameter pack into a fold of find calls
// resolves to a call to `forward_as_tuple(arg1, arg2, arg3, ..., argN)`
// we get that type, and declare a const tuple with it
using arg_pack_t = decltype(tpl::forward_as_tuple(find<Args>(std::declval<ComponentContainer&>())...));
const arg_pack_t arg_pack;
// then when we construct the runtime impl, we constexpr instantiate the tuple
constexpr component_runtime_impl(ComponentContainer& container) : arg_pack{tpl::forward_as_tuple(find<Args>(container) ...)} {}
// @/

This component_runtime_impl structure can be declared constinit, which should guarantee that the construction of the arguments tuple, and thus the traversal of the component tree, happens at compile time; in case the compiler didn't initialize the tuple at compile time for some reason, there would still be little runtime performance impact, as the traversal would take place before the main program properly started running, although there would still be an increase in executable size if this somehow were to happen (e.g. if we forgot to declare the impl struct constinit).

// @+'tests'
components1_t constinit main_runtime_components{};
component_runtime<testcomponent2_t, components1_t> constinit main_component_runtime{main_runtime_components.tc2, main_runtime_components};
TEST_CASE("sygaldry component runtime main")
main_runtime_components.tc1.outputs.out1.value = 0;
CHECK(main_runtime_components.tc2.outputs.out1.value == 1);
CHECK(main_runtime_components.tc2.outputs.out2.value == 1);
// @/

Activating the main subroutine then simply requires us to apply the tuple:

// @='component_runtime 1'
template<typename Component, typename ComponentContainer, typename ... Args>
struct component_runtime_impl
@{component_runtime 1 tuple}
void main(Component& component) const
if constexpr (requires {&Component::operator();})
tpl::apply(component, arg_pack);
else if constexpr (requires {&Component::main;})
tpl::apply([&](auto& ... args) {component.main(args...);}, arg_pack);
// @/

All that's left then, essentially, is the metaprogram that determines the appropriate type for the tuple, seen below in the sequence of using declarations: we extract the arguments list, remove constant, volatile, and reference qualifiers from the types in the list, prepend the component and assembly types to the list, and then swap whatever tuple container contains the type list with the component runtime implementation type so that we can easily instantiate it.

// @+'component_runtime 1'
template<typename Component, typename ComponentContainer>
struct component_runtime
using args = typename main_subroutine_reflection<Component>::arguments; // get args list
using cvref_less_args = boost::mp11::mp_transform<std::remove_cvref_t, args>; // remove cvref qualifiers
using prepended = boost::mp11::mp_push_front<cvref_less_args, Component, ComponentContainer>; // prepend component and assembly types
using impl_t = boost::mp11::mp_rename<prepended, component_runtime_impl>; // rename from tuple<...> to component_runtime_impl<...>
Component& component;
const impl_t impl;
constexpr component_runtime(Component& comp, ComponentContainer& cont) : component{comp}, impl{cont} {};
void init() const
void main() const
// @/


The above implementation is only able to activate a single component's main subroutine. It is reasonably straightforward to generalize this to both initialize and activate an arbitrary number of components held in a component container.

First, we pull out the argument pack used in the inner implementation:

// @='impl_arg_pack'
template<typename ComponentContainer, typename ... Args>
struct impl_arg_pack
using arg_pack_t = decltype(tpl::forward_as_tuple(find<Args>(std::declval<ComponentContainer&>())...));
const arg_pack_t pack;
constexpr impl_arg_pack(ComponentContainer& container) : pack{tpl::forward_as_tuple(find<Args>(container) ...)} {}
// @/

Having this class allows us to get rid of the inner impl structure (e.g. component_runtime_impl above) and makes it easier to generalize the component runtime so that it can initialize or activate a component, accepting argument packs for both of these subroutines, as well as others such as external_destinations that were added later.

The full implementation now resembles the following, which essentially simply gets the types of the arg_pack tuples, and applies them to the component's subroutines:

// @='component_runtime 2'
template<typename Component, typename ComponentContainer>
struct component_runtime
using init_args = typename init_subroutine_reflection<Component>::arguments;
using init_cvref_less_args = boost::mp11::mp_transform<std::remove_cvref_t, init_args>;
using init_prepended = boost::mp11::mp_push_front<init_cvref_less_args, ComponentContainer>;
using init_arg_pack = boost::mp11::mp_rename<init_prepended, impl_arg_pack>;
// note the repeated metaprogramming sequence...
using main_args = typename main_subroutine_reflection<Component>::arguments;
using main_cvref_less_args = boost::mp11::mp_transform<std::remove_cvref_t, main_args>;
using main_prepended = boost::mp11::mp_push_front<main_cvref_less_args, ComponentContainer>;
using main_arg_pack = boost::mp11::mp_rename<main_prepended, impl_arg_pack>;
Component& component;
init_arg_pack init_args;
main_arg_pack main_args;
constexpr component_runtime(Component& comp, ComponentContainer& cont) : component{comp}, init_args{container}, main_args{container} {}
void init(Component& component) const
if constexpr (requires {&Component::init;})
tpl::apply([&](auto& ... args) {component.init(args...);}, init_args.pack);
void main(Component& component) const
if constexpr (requires {&Component::operator();})
tpl::apply(component, main_args.pack);
else if constexpr (requires {&Component::main;})
tpl::apply([&](auto& ... args) {component.main(args...);}, main_args.pack);
// @/

We can now test the runtime's ability to run the init method:

// @+'tests'
components1_t constinit init_runtime_components{};
component_runtime<testcomponent1_t<"tc1">, components1_t> constinit init_component_runtime{init_runtime_components.tc1, init_runtime_components};
TEST_CASE("sygaldry component runtime init")
init_runtime_components.tc1.inputs.in1.value = 0;
CHECK(init_runtime_components.tc1.inputs.in1.value == 42);
// @/

To avoid repeating the series of template metafunctions used to get the argument pack types, we define a helper template that takes a function reflection structure and returns an appropriate argument pack type. We allow this to return a dummy arg pack in case a component lacks an init or main subroutine, so that components missing one or the other will not trigger a compiler error.

// @='to_arg_pack'
struct to_arg_pack
struct dummy_t {
tpl::tuple<> pack;
constexpr dummy_t(auto&) : pack{} {};
using pack_t = dummy_t;
template<typename Component, typename ComponentContainer, typename FuncRefl>
requires FuncRefl::exists::value
struct to_arg_pack<Component, ComponentContainer, FuncRefl>
using args = typename FuncRefl::arguments;
using cvref_less = boost::mp11::mp_transform<std::remove_cvref_t, args>;
using prepended = boost::mp11::mp_push_front<cvref_less, ComponentContainer>;
using pack_t = boost::mp11::mp_rename<prepended, impl_arg_pack>;
// @/

We use this helper to get two argument pack types, one for init and one for main, that are then used to instantiate the runtime structure. We thus have a general runtime for a single component that passes our tests.

//@='component_runtime 3'
template<typename Component, typename ComponentContainer>
struct component_runtime
// no more repeated metafunction sequences
using init_arg_pack = typename to_arg_pack<Component, ComponentContainer, init_subroutine_reflection<Component>>::pack_t;
using main_arg_pack = typename to_arg_pack<Component, ComponentContainer, main_subroutine_reflection<Component>>::pack_t;
Component& component;
init_arg_pack init_args;
main_arg_pack main_args;
constexpr component_runtime(Component& comp, ComponentContainer& cont) : component{comp}, init_args{cont}, main_args{cont} {}
void init() const
if constexpr (requires {&Component::init;})
tpl::apply([&](auto& ... args) {component.init(args...);}, init_args.pack);
void main() const
if constexpr (requires {&Component::operator();})
tpl::apply(component, main_args.pack);
else if constexpr (requires {&Component::main;})
tpl::apply([&](auto& ... args) {component.main(args...);}, main_args.pack);
// @/

Digression: Other Stages

Thus far we have ignored external sources and destinations and more or less assumed that all our components would run in the order specified in the component tree, first all their initialization routines, then all their main subroutines in a loop forever, with input and output flags cleared in between loops.

This sequence is adequate when considering only regular components, however, it fails to reasonably support binding components. Consider a protocol binding that can set the state of input endpoints and send changes in the state of output endpoints to external devices via its protocol. There is no way to order such a binding component so that external inputs can propagate to the bound components and resulting state changes can be sent out.

Option 1:
run regular components
run binding (component outputs are sent out)
clear flags (external inputs are cleared)
Option 2:
run bindings (external inputs are set)
run regular components
clear flags (component outputs are cleared)

Our chosen solution to this issue is to simply introduce two additional stages to our main loop, which we call external_sources and external_destinations. Components (especially binding components) may declare methods with these names, and argument packs are added to the component runtime to call them with any arguments required that can be extracted from the component tree.

template<typename Component, typename ComponentContainer>
struct component_runtime
using init_arg_pack = typename to_arg_pack<Component, ComponentContainer, init_subroutine_reflection<Component>>::pack_t;
using main_arg_pack = typename to_arg_pack<Component, ComponentContainer, main_subroutine_reflection<Component>>::pack_t;
using ext_src_arg_pack = typename to_arg_pack<Component, ComponentContainer, external_sources_subroutine_reflection<Component>>::pack_t;
using ext_dst_arg_pack = typename to_arg_pack<Component, ComponentContainer, external_destinations_subroutine_reflection<Component>>::pack_t;
Component& component;
init_arg_pack init_args;
main_arg_pack main_args;
ext_src_arg_pack ext_src_args;
ext_dst_arg_pack ext_dst_args;
constexpr component_runtime(Component& comp, ComponentContainer& cont)
: component{comp}, init_args{cont}, main_args{cont}, ext_src_args{cont}, ext_dst_args{cont} {}
void init() const
if constexpr (requires {&Component::init;})
tpl::apply([&](auto& ... args) {component.init(args...);}, init_args.pack);
void external_sources() const
if constexpr (requires {&Component::external_sources;})
tpl::apply([&](auto& ... args) {component.external_sources(args...);}, ext_src_args.pack);
void main() const
if constexpr (requires {&Component::operator();})
tpl::apply(component, main_args.pack);
else if constexpr (requires {&Component::main;})
tpl::apply([&](auto& ... args) {component.main(args...);}, main_args.pack);
void external_destinations() const
if constexpr (requires {&Component::external_destinations;})
tpl::apply([&](auto& ... args) {component.external_destinations(args...);}, ext_dst_args.pack);
// @/

Tuple of runtimes

All that remains is to make a tuple of component runtimes with one for each runtime managed component in the component tree. First we define a subroutine that will give us a tuple of runtimes.

// @='runtime tuple'
template<typename ComponentContainer>
constexpr auto component_to_runtime_tuple(ComponentContainer& cont)
auto tup = component_filter_by_tag<node::component>(cont);
if constexpr (is_tuple_v<decltype(tup)>)
return[&](auto& tagged_component)
return component_runtime{tagged_component.ref, cont};
// if there's only one component, `component_filter_by_tag` returns the tagged component directly
else return tpl::make_tuple(component_runtime{tup.ref, cont});
// @/
// @+'tests'
components1_t constinit runtime_tuple_components{};
constexpr auto runtime_tuple = component_to_runtime_tuple(runtime_tuple_components);
TEST_CASE("sygaldry runtime tuple")
tpl::apply([](auto& ... runtime) {(runtime.init(), ...);}, runtime_tuple);
CHECK(runtime_tuple_components.tc1.inputs.in1.value == 42); // init routines are called
tpl::apply([](auto& ... runtime) {(runtime.main(), ...);}, runtime_tuple);
CHECK(runtime_tuple_components.tc1.outputs.out1.value == 43); // main routines are called
// @/

Then we can assemble the final runtime class. This requires a somewhat awkward repetition of the call to component_to_runtime_tuple, first to get the type of the tuple and then to actually initialize it. Otherwise, the top level runtime simply delegates to the inner component runtimes.

// @='Runtime'
template<typename ComponentContainer>
struct Runtime
ComponentContainer& container;
decltype(component_to_runtime_tuple(std::declval<ComponentContainer&>())) component_runtimes;
constexpr Runtime(ComponentContainer& c) : container{c}, component_runtimes{component_to_runtime_tuple(c)} {};
void init() const
@{set initial values}
tuple_for_each(component_runtimes, [](auto& r){r.init();});
void external_sources() const
tuple_for_each(component_runtimes, [](auto& r){clear_input_flags(r.component);});
tuple_for_each(component_runtimes, [](auto& r){r.external_sources();});
void main() const { tuple_for_each(component_runtimes, [](auto& r){r.main();}); }
void external_destinations() const
tuple_for_each(component_runtimes, [](auto& r){r.external_destinations();});
tuple_for_each(component_runtimes, [](auto& r){clear_output_flags(r.component);});
void tick() const
int app_main() const { for (init(); true; tick()) {} return 0; }
// @/

Initial values

Some endpoints may require initialization. The logic for performing this is implemented in page-sygac-endpoint-ranges, and here we can simply iterate over all endpoints and delegate to the appropriate function.

This initialization takes place before components' init subroutines. This way the init subroutines can rely on having initialized endpoints, and the init subroutine of session management components can restore saved endpoint values without them being clobbered by this initialization step.

// @+'set initial values'
for_each_endpoint(container, []<typename T>(T& ep)
// @/

Runtime summary

// @#'sygac-runtime.hpp'
#pragma once
Copyright 2023 Travis J. West,, Input Devices and Music
Interaction Laboratory (IDMIL), Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music
Media and Technology (CIRMMT), McGill University, Montréal, Canada, and Univ.
Lille, Inria, CNRS, Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 CRIStAL, F-59000 Lille, France
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <boost/mp11.hpp>
#include "sygac-functions.hpp"
#include "sygac-components.hpp"
#include "sygac-endpoints.hpp"
namespace sygaldry {
@{runtime tuple}
// @/
// @#'sygac-runtime.test.cpp'
Copyright 2023 Travis J. West,, Input Devices and Music
Interaction Laboratory (IDMIL), Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music
Media and Technology (CIRMMT), McGill University, Montréal, Canada, and Univ.
Lille, Inria, CNRS, Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 CRIStAL, F-59000 Lille, France
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
#include "sygac-runtime.hpp"
#include "sygah-endpoints.hpp"
using namespace sygaldry;
// @/
# @#'CMakeLists.txt'
set(lib sygac-runtime)
add_library(${lib} INTERFACE)
target_include_directories(${lib} INTERFACE .)
target_link_libraries(${lib} INTERFACE sygac-components)
target_link_libraries(${lib} INTERFACE sygac-functions)
target_link_libraries(${lib} INTERFACE Boost::mp11)
add_executable(${lib}-test ${lib}.test.cpp)
target_link_libraries(${lib}-test PRIVATE Catch2::Catch2WithMain)
target_link_libraries(${lib}-test PRIVATE ${lib})
target_link_libraries(${lib}-test PRIVATE sygah)
# @/