No Matches
Developer Environment Setup

Copyright 2023 Travis J. West,, Input Devices and Music Interaction Laboratory (IDMIL), Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology (CIRMMT), McGill University, Montréal, Canada, and Univ. Lille, Inria, CNRS, Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 CRIStAL, F-59000 Lille, France

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

This document describes how to set up the development environment for Sygaldry, as well as the convenience scripts provided to facilitate development.

Important Note

If you have any trouble setting up your development environment, please create an issue on the github repository.

Don't clone the repo yet unless you're sure you know how to recursively clone all its submodules. Otherwise, we'll get to that step in a minute.


The process, in brief, is as follows:

  1. Install nix according to the upstream documentation here, or that of your operating system distribution.
  2. Obtain a copy of the Sygaldry source code repository and its submodules, recursively, using git, e.g. git clone --recurse-submodules url-or-ssh-path/to/DocSunset/sygaldry.
  3. Use nix-shell to automatically install all dependencies, run the test-suite, and compile instrument firmware.

This may be enough information for experienced developers to get set up. If any uncertainty lingers, then read on.

Basic Development Environment


Run the terminal app and try to run git --version. If you have not already installed developer tools, follow the instructions to do so.


Most likely there is nothing required for you to do here.


Windows support is still a work in progress. Please try installing a VirtualBox VM with your preferred Linux distribution.

Installing Nix


Your distribution may have specific instructions for installing nix. Check the documentation.


Navigate to and follow the upstream install instructions.

What's Nix?

We use nix in this project because it is a convenient way of allowing all users to quickly set up an identical development environment. Don't worry too much about how this works, as the use of nix in this project is very limited and simple to achieve. But if you're curious anyways...

Nix is a package manager, like homebrew, apt, pacman, or pip, but rather than installing everything directly in your system directories, nix installs things in "the Nix store", with every package in its own content-hashed isolated directory. Commands like nix-shell can then be used to draw these isolated directories together into a highly controlled development environment that can be easily replicated across different machines. You may think of it as a cross between a package manager and python venv. Alternatively, if a container system like docker is a more lightweight version of a virtual machine, you could think of nix as providing a more lightweight version of a container system.

Cloning Sygaldry

While Sygaldry is still a private repository, this step can be somewhat involved, especially for less experienced developers. You will require a github user account and permission to access the repository (ask Travis).

Once you have access to the repository, you can clone it.

If you are familiar with the use of git, make sure to clone the repository with all its submodules, e.g. git clone --recurse-submodules Once the repo is cloned, continue with the next step.

If you are unfamiliar with the use of git, open your terminal and run nix-shell -p github-cli. Nix will install the github command line interface and drop you into a nix virtual environment in which it is accessible.

You now have a few options:

  • use the github command line interface (aka gh) with https
  • use the github command line interface with ssh
  • use git with ssh

Using the github command line interface with https

Run gh auth login from the nix-shell you enabled in the previous section. Choose HTTPS as your preferred protocol for git operations, and then follow the instructions to log in.

Once you are logged in, run gh repo clone DocSunset/sygaldry -- --recurse-submodules to clone the repository and its submodules.

Continue with the convenience scripts.

Using the github command line interface with ssh authentication

In the nix-shell that you enabled in the previous section, run ssh-keygen -t ed25519 and follow the onscreen instructions to create an ssh key pair. This will create a private key and a public key. You should never share your private key, but it is normal to upload your public key to someone else's server.

Run gh auth login from the nix-shell you enabled in the previous section. Choose SSH as your preferred protocol for git operations, and then follow the instructions to log in.

Once you are logged in, run gh repo clone DocSunset/sygaldry -- --recurse-submodules to clone the repository and its submodules.

Using git with ssh authentication

In the nix-shell that you enabled in the previous section, run ssh-keygen -t ed25519 and follow the onscreen instructions to create an ssh key pair. Use the default name and path for the new keys, unless you know what you are doing. This will create a private key and a public key. You should never share your private key, but it is normal to upload your public key to someone else's server.

Use cat to display the public key, e.g. cat /home/myuser/.ssh/ Copy the public key to your clipboard.

Log in to github in a web browser and navigate to Settings, then "SSH and GPG Keys". Click the green button to add a "New SSH key". Give it a title such as the hostname of your computer. Select "Authentication Key" as the key type. In the "Key" text field, paste the public key. Click "Add SSH key".

In the terminal, run git clone --recurse-submodules git<AT>, with an at-sign where it says <AT> to clone the repository and its submodules.

Ready to go!

cd your terminal to the root of the cloned repository and run nix-shell --pure. This may take a little while the first time, while nix sets up the development environment. Once you reach the command prompt, you are now ready to go!

Next steps