No Matches
sygbr-cli: Raspberyy Pi Pico SDK CLI

Copyright 2023 Travis J. West, Input Devices and Music Interaction Laboratory (IDMIL), Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology (CIRMMT), McGill University, Montréal, Canada, and Univ. Lille, Inria, CNRS, Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 CRIStAL, F-59000 Lille, France

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

This document describes the implementation of the CLI for Pico SDK. This amounts to an implementation of the Reader making use of non-blocking calls to check for available input, and a template type alias using that implementation along with the portable sygaldry::sygbp::Cli and sygaldry::sygup::CstdioLogger classes that port readily thanks to Pico SDK's good cstdio support.

// @#'sygbr-cli.hpp'
#pragma once
Copyright 2023 Travis J. West, Input Devices and Music Interaction Laboratory
(IDMIL), Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology
(CIRMMT), McGill University, Montréal, Canada, and Univ. Lille, Inria, CNRS,
Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 CRIStAL, F-59000 Lille, France
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <stdio.h>
#include "sygbp-cli.hpp"
#include "sygup-cstdio_logger.hpp"
namespace sygaldry { namespace sygbr {
struct PicoReader
int last_read;
bool ready()
last_read = getchar_timeout_us(0);
return last_read != PICO_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
char getchar()
return last_read;
template<typename Components>
using PicoCli = sygbp::Cli<PicoReader, sygup::CstdioLogger, Components>;
} }
// @/
sygbp::Cli< PicoReader, sygup::CstdioLogger, Components > PicoCli
Definition sygbr-cli.hpp:47
# @#'CMakeLists.txt'
set(lib sygbr-cli)
add_library(${lib} INTERFACE)
target_include_directories(${lib} INTERFACE .)
target_link_libraries(${lib} INTERFACE
# @/